Saturday, December 10, 2016

Hei Heng Hong Ha - है हंग होंग हा

 Hei Heng Hong Ha (pronounced hay hung hawng hah) - है हंग होंग  हा

Certain sounds which cannot be translated into a literal meaning but have the power to create great transformative growth and expansion in humans at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels are known as  Seed Mantras or single syllable sounds.

The Bija or seed mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify & balance the mind & body. When you speak the seed mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra, helping you focus on your own instinctive awareness of your body & its needs.

The word Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit.  A Chakra is a spinning wheel of energy that is found within each one of us.   It is a spinning vortex of energy created within us by the interpenetration of consciousness and the physical body. The Chakra system is a map of consciousness. It is a complete system of seven spinning vortexes of energy.  They enable us to manifest and act in the material world, to bring abstracts into solidity.  It is through the chakras that our expressions are directed.

Our Chakra system is comprised of 3 upper Chakras, which liberate and expand us.  They govern our inner pursuits and our inner worlds.  They are a demonstration of our Spiritual Human.

The 4th Chakra is the connecting bridge between the lower and the upper bodies. It is the place where the animal-human and the divine/spiritual human meet.  It is the pivoting point of our physical and spiritual world.

The lower three Chakras represent our interaction with the material world.  They demonstrate our Animal Human.

During our lives our Chakras may become blocked or too open or too closed, creating a ‘stuckness’ within that particular area. This results in our presenting behaviors and patterns, as well as our physical ailments.  Our Chakras control the patterns from which we live, how we live, and what we present to the world.  To heal these patterns is to bring our Chakras into total balance and alignment. That is, to connect to our higher selves and to realize the oneness that is.

Our blockages may come from past mental traumas, physical traumas, and they may also have been inherited from our ancestors.  (Miasmatic).

Whenever we hear people talk about spirituality or spiritual growth, the upper chakras inevitably find a mention. If you have developed your higher chakras and neglected your lower ones, you may feel that you don't belong on the earth.

Imagine a tall building with barely any foundation. It is anybody’s guess how long it will be able to stand straight without collapsing, and will probably sway with every gust of wind. The higher the building, the sooner it will collapse. And this is exactly what is happening today, energetically.

Today, the lower three chakras are the most damaged chakras, holding the most amount of pain.

Hei Heng Hong Ha is the four sacred sounds chant developed by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha to stimulate the first, second, and third Soul Houses, as well as the Zhong. "Zhong" means core. The Zhong is an area in the back half of the lower abdomen that includes three major sacred areas and points.

Hei Heng Hong Ha is a sacred four-sound mantra to boost energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity, as well as to develop the Zhong in order to benefit all of your life. “Hei” vibrates the first energy chakra (first Soul House). “Heng” vibrates the second energy chakra (second Soul House). “Hong” vibrates the third energy chakra (third Soul House). “Ha” stimulates the Zhong. The Zhong is the core of life. One’s Zhong includes the entire back half of the lower abdomen below the level of the navel, plus a bit of the front half as well. To heal and rejuvenate the first, second and third Soul Houses and the Zhong is a huge blessing.

"Hei" (pronounced hay) is the sacred sound that stimulates the first (root) energy chakra, which is the first Soul House. Millions of people understand the energy chakras. In mystic science, the energy chakras are the Soul Houses. Our consciousness resides in one of the seven energy chakras. Therefore sometimes the energy chakras are also called the Soul Houses.

"Heng" (pronounced hung) is the sacred sound that stimulates the second energy chakra or second Soul House. "Hong" (pronounced hawng) is the sacred sound that stimulates the third energy chakra or third Soul House. "Ha" (pronounced hah) is the sacred sound to stimulate the Zhong(pronounced jawng).Zong is visualized as a  golden circle of divine light in the area of the lower abdomen.

Apply the power of  Hei Heng Hong Ha chant to boost energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity, as well as to develop the Zhong in order to benefit all of your life.

Chant and trace for ten minutes per time, three times a day. For chronic fatigue, life-threatening conditions, and other serious depletions of energy, practice for two or more hours per day. Total all of your daily practice times together to equal at least two hours.

Sound Power:  
You may chant silently or aloud in rhythm
Hei Heng Hong Ha (pronounced  hay hung hawng hah)
Hei Heng Hong Ha
Hei Heng Hong Ha
Hei Heng Hong Ha …

है हंग होंग  हा
है हंग होंग  हा
है हंग होंग  हा
है हंग होंग  हा
है हंग होंग  हा
For Video Click Here 

Please practice this chant regularly for 21 days and share your experiences.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Impotency In astrology

Combination for Impotence : 
  1. Venus posited in 7th house in Taurus/Libra Sign and aspected by Saturn + Mercury.
  2. Venus posited in 7th house in Taurus/Libra sign and Saturn + Mercury sitting in the 10th house. 
  3. Saturn + Venus placed in 8th house.
  4. Saturn placed 6th/8th from Venus also gives impotency. 
  5. Ascendant, Moon, and Venus all placed in odd signs may induce impotence in the native. 

Geeta Jha 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

You & Me - A Stroll down memory lane

यादों की सुरमई घाटियों में दोस्ती के कई किस्से चमकते हैं । ऐसे ही एक  अफ़साने की शुरुवात  हुई थी जब  छह साल की भोली उम्र में दूसरी कक्षा में मैंने तुम्हें देखा था । ऐसे तो तुम मेरे घर के पास ही रहती लेकिन जब एक साथ पढ़ने लगे तो एक दूसरे से हिलमिल कर  अपनेपन के स्नेह बंधन में बंध गए । वंदना बचपन के वे दिन तुम्हारे साथ हँसना -हँसाना , लड़ना  -झगड़ना  ,रूठना -मनाना जब भी याद आते हैं तो अतीत का धुंधलापन  उजियारा बन जाता है ।  तुम आज भी उतनी ही  शालीन , मृदुल , सुन्दर हो या  तुम्हारे पतिदेव  के शब्दों में एक परफेक्ट eye -tonic हो  : )  

तुम्हारी वह कभी नहीं बदलने वाली निश्छल और भोली  हंसी वह पवित्र निशानी  है जो अब भी मेरे  हृदय की तिजोरी में  सुरक्षित है ।
तुम्हारी सोहबत  में आकर मैंने भी कंचे , गुल्ली डंडा  और बेट - बॉल की जगह लंगड़ी टांग, पिट्ठू ,पालम ,छुपम -छुपाई पोषम पा और रिंगा रिंगा रोजेज खेलना  शुरू कर दिया था  ।  तुम मेरे घर आती थी खेलने या मैं तुम्हारे घर जाती थी । हम दोनों बचपन में थीं  शैतान की खालाएं । याद है हम दोनों अपने  नन्हे नन्हे हाथों में हाथ डाल  कर घर  से कितनी  दूर निकल जाया करते थे ,शायद उस जमाने में लड़कियों पर इतनी आफत नहीं आई हुई थी । बिना ट्रैफिक सिग्नल की समझ के घर वालों  को बिना  बताये  रिंग रोड के भीषण ट्रैफिक को सरपट दौड़ कर पार करके कभी साउथ एक्स पार्ट वन जाना कभी साउथ   एक्स पार्ट टू जाना । 
याद है स्कूल में  गणतंत्र दिवस या स्वतंत्रता दिवस के निबंध का  रट्टे मारना ,दीवार की तरफ मुंह करके खड़े होना , डेस्क पर कान पकड़ कर खड़े  होना या  क्लास रूम के चलते हुए पंखे से शहीद हुई गौरय्या की मिट्टी खोद कर समाधि  बना उसके ऊपर फूलों से हे राम लिखना ।
 पूरी क्लास में अँधेरा कर खिड़की के छेद से दीवार पर प्रोजेक्शन  से बनने  वाली सड़क के ट्रैफिक की फिल्म को देखना । लोटपोट, ननंद, चंपक ,मेंड्रेक , वेताल  पढ़ने और एक्सचेंज करने  से  हमारा मन  नही भरना और हर दूसरे तीसरे दिन  गप्पें  करते करते लोकल लाइब्ररी
पहुँच जाना | स्टार ट्रैक को देख कर  हैरान होना  और  आई  लव लूसी  को देख कर लोट पोट होना । खेतों में चुकंदर की फसल बोने में क्या क्या  सावधानी रखना चाहिए देख कर फिल्म शुरू होने का इंतज़ार करना | तुम्हारा मुझे पंप करना और जोश में मेरा किसी भी फल के पेड़ पर चढ़ जाना और पेड़ की ऊंचाई पर चढ़ कर  जमीन देख कर  स्टीरियोफोनिक आवाज़ में गला फाड़ कर रोना कि अब  नीचे  कैसे उतरेंगें  ?  तुम्हारा      अपनी झोली में फल बीन कर मुझे रामभरोसे छोड़ कर वहां  से नौ दो ग्यारह हो जाना   । छोटी उम्र में दोनों को चाय की लत लगना और एक कप चाय की प्याली के लिए  कभी ना ,ना कहना ।सोनू चौथी में पढता था हमसे दो साल सीनियर था मेरे ही फ्लैट के नीचे रहता था ।जब जब तुम मेरे घर आती थी तो उसका चेहरा गुलदाउदी के फूल की तरह खिल जाता था । याद है उसका  अपनी निकर की ज़ेब में  अपनी मम्मी की आँखें  बचा कर हमदोनो के लिए कभी बिस्कुट कभी टॉफी कभी मिठाई  लाना  और फ़ोकट में  उसका हमें टेबल याद करवाना : )  

जब हमलोग पाँचवी क्लास में थे तब एक बार मेरे घर के सामने पड़ी पानी की सीमेंट पाइपों के ऊपर उछल  कूद करते हुए दो पाइपों के बीच तुम्हारा पैर  आ गया था   और अगले दिन एक भारी भरकम प्लास्टर तुम्हारे  पैर  पर था । याद है तब तुम्हें कितना   चिढ़ाया जाता था । तभी एक दिन मम्मी ने मुझे और रानी को पारले जी बिस्कुट  का पैकेट दे कर तुम्हें देख आने को कहा | वही रानी  चौपड़ा  जिसकी  बड़ी दीदी की शादी में शानदार खाना खा कर हम जब लौट रहे थे तो देखा था की शादी के पंडाल में बीचों बीच  फलों का एक विशाल काय पहाड़ बना हुआ था | उस  जमाने में भी सब मेहमान  पेट  भरा होने के बाबजूद भी  उन फलों को जेबों, डोलची और पोलिथीन में भर भर कर ले जा रहे थे |  तुमने अपने  छोटे से रुमाल और मैंने  अपनी फ्रॉक  में जितने फल भर सकते थे भर  लिए थे | उफ्फ घर पहुँच कर कितनी डाँट मिली थी दोनो को | हाँ तो जब मैं और रानी तुम्हारी
टूटी टाँग का जायज़ा लेने जा रहे थे   तब  मैंने और रानी  ने रास्ते में वह बिस्कुट का पैकेट खोल कर आधा खाया और आधा ही  खुला हुआ पैकेट  तुम्हें  सप्रेम भेंट कर दिया ,तुमने बिना सवाल जवाब के उसे स्वीकार  किया यह तुम्हारा बड़प्पन ही था ।बिहार के गाँवों में गर्मियों की छुट्टियों में बिताये गए अपने अपने अनुभवों को बांटना । 

झूलों से फिसल कर अपने कपडे फाड़ देना ,बारिश में भींगना और कागज की किश्ती से  रेस लगाना  , कच्ची उम्र के बाजीरावों से एक साथ  निबटना  : ) और उनकी  हज़ामत बनाना ।

याद है वह पहली हाई हील  की सैंडिल मेरी लाल सफ़ेद  तुम्हारी कोका कोला कलर की ,शायद तीसरी या चौथी क्लास में कितनी जिद्द करके ली थी ,  सबने बोला की पैर टूट जाएगा मोच 
आ  जाएगी लेकिन हम कहाँ मानने  वाले थे । वह डिस्को ड्रेस मेरी ब्राउन और  तुम्हारी  पिंक कलर की । 

मैथ्स और साइंस  से तुम्हारा याराना नहीं था , वे  तुम्हारे 
लिए  एलियन सब्जेक्ट्स थे । लेकिन आर्ट्स के सब्जेक्ट्स में तुम बहुत अच्छी थी । और मुझे हैरानी होती थी की बिना किसी मेहनत के तुम्हें सोशियल साइन्स कैसे याद रह जाती थी |मेरा  अपनी ही क्लास को ब्लैकबोर्ड पर मैथ्स पढ़ना और उषा भाटिया  की दरिया दिली के चलते अपने  हाथ  आये  मैथ्स के पेपर की टोटलिंग में चुपके से तुम्हारे नंबर बड़ा देना इसका इशारा था की दोस्ती में सब कुछ जायज़ होता है ।आठवीं क्लास में हमारा  घुटनों से  नीचे आने वाली स्कर्ट  की तुरपाई करके उसे घुटने से दो इंच ऊपर करना ।

लहराते बलखाते बालों  की चाहत में तुम्हारा  महंगे इम्पोर्टेड शैम्पू इस्तमाल करना और मेरा गोरे   होने के लिए फेयर एंड   लवली   इस्तमाल करना तुम्हारे बालों और मेरे गालों के लिए दुखदाई सिद्ध हुआ  था । फिर

फिर हमारा मुल्तानी मिट्टी के फेस  पैक और दही बेसन   के नेचुरल शैम्पू पर लौट आना ।  और मालूम है इस फोटो में बाद में  कितनी लड़ाई की थी  हमदोनो ने  किसके बाल लम्बे दिख रहे हैं  , तुम्हारा यह बोल कर मेरी जबान बंद करना की तुम्हारे हाथ मेरे  हाथों से ज्यादा  फोटोजेनिक और सफोटिकटेड  लग रहे हैं । साल भर  में कितनी बार लड़ाई करना ,कट्टी  करना ,  रूठ  जाना फिर  त्यौहारों में गले मिल कर अब्बा करना जैसे कुछ हुआ ही नहीं हो । 

याद है परीक्षाओं से पहले हमेशा एक 
ही दुआ करते थे की या तो पाकिस्तान स्कूल के ऊपर बम गिरा दे या कोई ऊँची हस्ती टपक जाए
 फिर चाहे इसके लिए  हम 7 दिन  दूरदर्शन पर निरंतर चलने वाले बिस्मिल्लाह ख़ान  के  शहनाई वादन को भी झेलने के लिए  तैयार थे   । एक बार हमारी फ़रियाद कबूल हो  गई , स्कूल के गेट पर ही खबर मिली स्कूल बंद है  हम दोनो उछलते कूदते सपना स्टूडियो गए और वहां  फैंसी ड्रेस में यह वाली फोटो खिंचवाई थी  ।

एक बार तुम मेरे घर आई थी पढ़ाई करने ,सुबह जब तुम उठी तो तुम्हारी आँखें  चिपचिपी हो गई थी  । तब तुम्हारे साथ मैं डिस्पेंसरी गई थी 
अपने  कार्ड के नाम से तुम्हारे लिए दवाई लेने । तुम्हें  बाहर बैठा कर मैं डॉक्टर के  पास गई और कहा की मेरी   आँखें खराब हो गई है दवाई चाहिए , अंदर ही अंदर अंदेशा था की कहीं  डॉक्टर साहिब चोरी  ना पकड़ ले  कि अपनी आँखें दिखा कर अपनी  सखी  की दवाई ली जा रही   है । डॉक्टर साहेब ने मेरी आँखों में टोर्च जला कर उन्हें भली प्रकार से चैक किया ,  मैं    सांसें  रोके बैठी थी अब पकडे गए तब पकडे गए  , मालूम है तब डॉक्टर  ने क्या   कहा    ....... आप बँगोली हैं  । इस अप्रत्यशित सवाल से हैरान होकर मैंने  इंकार में तेज़ी से सर  हिलाया    ना sss  ,तब डॉक्टर साहेब ने  मुस्कराते  हुए कहा  ...... लेकिन  आपकी आँखों से लगता है की आप   बँगोली  हो  और उसने  प्रिस्किप्शन  लिख दिया । हम दोनों  दवाई  ले कर वहां से  हवा हवाई  हो गए , और  इस  बात पर कई दिनों  तक हँसते रहे थे । 

डियर अब ज़्यादा नही लिखेंगें  | तुम्हारे पतिदेव इस अखिल सृष्टि में  हमारे एकलौते फैन  है  और हम नही चाहते की  हमारा  एकलौता फैन  भी ट्रैक  छोड़ कर भाग खड़ा हो , बट यू आर स्टिल दी  मस्तानी ऑफ सो मेनी  हार्ट्स | अब देखो कट्टी  मत करना तुमने भी तो पिछले साल प्रियंका चौपड़ा  के धड़ पर हमारी मुंडी  फिट की थी :) :) 

जहाँ हर बात पर सफाई देनी पड़ जाए
वो रिश्ते कभी गहरे हो ही नही सकते....

Babes you're still the little naughty angel of my life!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Soul - Strength

I recognize the need for problems and struggles to give me soul growth and spiritual evolvement.  I meet these challenges with courage, faith, and hope. I know that I am spiritually strengthened when I face and overcome life’s problems. My soul is now charged with dynamic spiritual power which brings me peace of mind and peace of soul.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Astrology of Success in Stock Market

If the thought of investing in the stock market scares you, you aren't alone. False promises and highly public stories of investors striking it rich or losing everything skew perceptions of the reality of the average investor. By understanding a little more about the stock market – and how the stock market works – you'll likely find it isn't as scary as you may think and that it's a viable investment.Stock market is a risky gambling business, fates of people change in stock market like the tide in sea, one can become a millionaire or a beggar depending on the horoscope, you win sometimes, you loose the other time this win and loss are the two sides of the same coin, but one should be careful not to invest money which one cannot afford to loose, it is a risky business and a few taste permanent success here. 

Parameters : 

Ascendant : personality 
2nd house/lord : house of wealth 
5th house lord : gains through share market, speculations, stock trading, forex, lotteries etc
8th house /lord : sudden gain 
9th house lord  : house of fortune 
10th house lord  : profession 
11th house lord  : house of income and profit 
3rd/6th/12th house or lord : house of loss 
Jupiter : bestows wealth and riches  
Moon : controls mind 
Mercury : controls emotions and psyche 
Rahu : sudden event in life 

Combinations : 

  1. If  there is a connection between lords of 2nd, 5th, and 11th house,  the native will shine in the stock market .
  2. 2nd, 4th , 9th and 11th house /lord are well placed and free from malefic influences indicate great success in stock market . 
  3. The connection of 5th and 9th lords to any of the  houses, 2,5,8,11,5,9 indicates good dhanayoga yoga or financial gain yoga and monetary success in life .
  4. The lord of the ascendant  in  2,5,8,11,5,9 houses along with the lord of these houses indicates excellent dhanayoga or financial gain . 
  5. The lords of 2nd and 11th house exchange their signs ,signifies success in stock market .
  6. Jupiter placed in ascendant and aspected by lords of 2nd,5th, and 9th house indicates huge success in the stock market .
  7. The connection of the 5th lord to 2nd house and the 9th, 11th house or the connection of 9th lord to 2nd, 11th or 5th house is an excellent factor for earning in speculations, more so if the ascendant  lord is also placed in one of these houses.
  8. Jupiter and Rahu placed in quadrant/trine  or aspected/conjoined by lords of quadrant/trine , the native will get huge success in stock market.
  9. Lords of 5th,9th,11th houses placed in quadrant/ trine and influence by benefices indicate success in stock market .
  10. Ketu placed in 11th house gives money from the lottery, speculation, stock market  or share trading .
  11. Lord of 8th house combines with Ketu in 2nd house, gives sudden money .
  12. In Cancer/Saggitaius ascendant Moon placed in 11th/9th house indicates success in stock trading.
  13. Mars and Rahu placed in the 11th house having relation with the lord of 5th and 9th house indicates the gain in the stock market.
  14. Rahu + Mars in 2nd house and  Jupiter/Venus placed in the 11th house indicates success in the share trading .
  15. If there is  Moon -Mars conjunction (Chandra Mangal Yoga)  in natal chart and Rahu,Mercury , Jupiter placed in 11th house , the native will get success in share trading .
  16. Lords of 2nd and 11th exchange sign with lords of 5th and 9th signifies great success in stock trading.

Warning :

  1. Heavily afflicted Moon in natal horoscope indicates fickle mind, such people should   refrain from taking risks in the stock market . 
  2. Lord of the 8th house placed in the 4th/5th/9th/10th house in the natal chart indicates the loss in the stock market.
  3. Sun + Rahu placed in the 1st/5th/9th house in the natal chart and not aspected by Jupiter indicates the severe  loss in stock trading.
  4. Lord of the 5th/9th/11th house placed in the 12th house indicates the loss in the stock market.
  5. Retrograde lord of the 6th/11th house placed in 12th house also signifies the loss in the stock market .
  6. If all Quadrants are empty in natal chart and Moon is placed in 6th/8th,12th house , the native will face severe loss in the stock market.
  7. Lord of 3rd/6th/8th houses exchange sign with other house also indicates the heavy loss in the stock market.

Timing :

  1. During Dahs/Maha Dasha of the lord of 8th house, the person will get success in stock trading.
  2. During Dasha/Mahadash of lords of 5th, 9th,11th house , the native will get gains in the stock market.
  3. The transition of Jupiter and Rahu over benefic houses increases the chances of gains from the stock market.

Geeta Jha 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Astrology of Political Assassinations

The assassination of famous political leaders has always been prompted by some religious, political, ideological or military reasons but the end result is that we lose a person, a public figure whom we admire, respect or love to hate. In Indian history, we have come across many political personalities who have met their deaths not naturally due to age or illness but have been assassinated.

Parameters : 

Ascendant : indicates biological strength of physical body  and overall personality 
2nd/7th house or lords : they are Marak ( 
death inflicting )planets 
6th house/lord : signify enemies, injuries, sorrows, and obstacles
8th house/lord : house of longevity, sudden death, mode of death  
12th house lord :  delusion, seclusion, loss, expense, secret enemies, imprisonment and unseen troubles

Mars/Rahu : Mars and Rahu are planets of hurt, injury, arrogance, excitement, explosions and sudden events
Saturn :  stands for destiny, misfortune, public, and democracy.Saturn is considered as a master of death and becomes a first-grade fatal planet among others. If Saturn is related to a fatal place or fatal planet in any way, it becomes itself a cruel fatal.
Sun,Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu : the malefic planets  indicate unnatural death by accident, suicide, wounds, fire, weapon or electric shock

Combinations : 

Ascendant : 

  1. Ascendant related to 6th/12th house or lords indicates the  setbacks and unnatural death either by some sort of accident or assassination . 
  2. Generally, the ascendants of politicians are strong enough to bear various pressures, tensions, and anxieties.If ascendant or its lord is hemmed in by malefic or related to 8th or 12th house or their lords, the probability of assassination of the native emerges out .
  3. If malefic occupy 6th, 8th, or 12th houses and the lord of the ascendant  is weak without any influence of benefics, the native is short lived

 6th/8th/12th house  :

  1. The cruel  relation between ascendant, 6th,8th,12th house indicates assassination.  
  2. Malefic planets Sun,Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu related to 8th house increases the possibility of unnatural sudden deaths .
  3. Moon , Mars, and Saturn placed in 8th house indicates death from a weapon 
  4. Mars placed in the 6th/12th house and Saturn placed in the 8th house indicates death from a weapon. 
  5. Moon and Mars aspect/conjoined in the 8th house indicates death by assassination .
  6. A natural malefic placed in 8th house and badly afflicted by Mars indicates death by assassination.  
  7. If the 12th house is empty and its lord is placed in 3rd or 8th house and aspected by Saturn indicates death by assassination.
  8. Affliction to 12th house /lord stands for assassination.  
  9. 8th house is a place of longevity. 8th place from the 8th house, ie, the 3rd  house is also a place of longevity. The twelfth places from both (8th and 3rd) are 7th and 2nd houses which act as killer of the native, the 7th being fatal than the 2nd
  10. 6th house indicates open field enemies while 12th house stands for secret enemies   ,Thus it is the affliction to the 12th house or its lord that stands for assassination.
  11. Mars-Saturn or Mars-Rahu conjunction in horoscope indicates sudden and violent incidents of life.  
  12.  Mars - Rahu conjunction is a synonym of a bomb or an explosion.
Timing : 
  1. It is observed that many politicians were assassinated when they were undergoing the period of fatal planets, ie, lords of 2nd or 7th houses. 
  2. If Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu get involved with 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th house or with their lord during transition or Dasha/ Antar Dasha , the probability of assassination is increased .
  3. During Dasha /Mahadasha of Saturn or transition of Saturn over 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th house increases the chances of political  assassination . 
Also, read these blogs :

Friday, September 16, 2016

Astrological Perspective of Marital Discord

Discord is a lack of agreement or harmony between peoples /things. Marital discord would be the lack of agreement or harmony in a marriage.

Parameters :

  1. Ascendant : personality traits
  2. 2nd house/lord : indicates family 
  3. 4th house/lord : stands for domestic environment 
  4. 7th house/lord : indicates marriage
  5. 8th house/lord : is marks for 7th house which is marriage here 
  6. 12th house : bed pleasure 
  7. Moon : represents mental inclinations 
  8. Venus : love,sex, and female spouse 
  9. Jupiter : ethics, moral , male spouse 

Astrological Perspective of Marital  Discord

7th house/lord 
  1. 7th house /lord  is related to lord of 6/8/12th house especially with 12th house indicates marital disharmony/ discord .
  2. Lords of 5th and 7th houses placed in each other's house or in conjunction  lead to dissatisfied marital life.
  3. The good traits of 7th house are lost if its lord occupies the 3rd/6th/8tyh/12th position from its own sign.
  4. Placement of natural malefic like Sun/Rahu/Ketu /Saturn/Mars in the 7th house indicates marital discord. 
  5. Lord of 2nd/7th house are in retrogression or these houses aspected by a retrograde planet indicates marital discord.
  6. 7th lord in Combustion/set / debilitated /hemmed between malefic indicates marital disharmony. 
2nd-4th  house/lord :
  1. Afflicted 2nd & 4th house indicates problematic family environments .
  2. Afflicted 2nd & 4th house lord indicates the lack of domestic peace and  pleasure .

Venus : 
  1. Venus the significator of the 7th house sitting in 7th house, causes marital disharmony unless it is aspected by Jupiter because if the significator of a house placed in its house destroys the basic traits of the house .
  2. Placement of Venus in 7th house of a male native apart from its own signs viz Taurus & Libra causes marital discords . 
  3. Venus /7th lord  is related to Ketu , or Ketu is placed in trine from Venus/lord of 7th house indicates marital discord.
Jupiter :
  1. The significator of a house placed in its house destroys the basic traits of the house, so Jupiter placed in 7th house in female chart causes marital disharmony. 
  2. Placement of Jupiter in 7th house of a female native apart from its own signs viz Sagittarius & Pisces causes marital discord .
Influence of Natural Malefics : 
  1. Saturn and Mars are in conjunction or placed opposite or 2nd/12th from each other indicates  marital discord.
  2. Saturn related to Sun/Moon/Venus by aspect/conjunction/placement is responsible for marital discords.
  3. Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu are impotent plants, whenever two of these planets afflict either of the 7th/8th/12th house ,the native develops impoverishment in the sexual course.
  4. The conjunction of Saturn -Mercury in 7th house causes marital discord due to impotence or sexual coldness.
  5. Sun-Saturn, Sun-Mars, Mars -Rahu related with 7th/.8th/12th house indicates marital disputes and disorders .
  6. Rahu’s conjunction with Moon will cause other psychological problems in the way of mental health that may cause marital discord.
  7. Saturn in 7th house is responsible for marital discord due to some sort of coldness between the life partners.
  8. Mars-Rahu conjunction is the indicator of furious nature of the native ,hence there is negligence of the native in martial activities with the partner.
  9. The conjunction of Saturn -Mercury in 7th house causes marital discord due to impotence or sexual coldness.
  10. Influence of Mars and Rahu on Moon/Venus indicates marital discord due to extramarital affairs or infidelity.
Please also read these articles :

Thursday, September 8, 2016

According to Astrology is one's spouse predestined ?

Is the choice of our spouse predestined by karma (are marriages made in "heaven")? Is it predestined by the subtle laws of the universe  ?

Parameters for predestined marriage :

Ascendant/lord --- stands for overall personality 
Sun --- connected to soul
Moon --- connected to mental tendencies
7th house/lord ---- stands for marriage 

For more than 80 %  married couples  the following principles have been found applicable : 

  1. The lord of 7th house in  a  male horoscope is when encircled in the horoscope of his wife ,will make relation with Sun/Moon/ascendent/Lord of ascendant/7th house/lord of 7th house by position/aspect/conjunction.
  2. The lord of 7th house in a female chart is when encircled in the horoscope of his husband ,will make a  connection with Sun/Moon/ascendent/Lord of ascendant/7th house/lord of the 7th house by position/aspect/conjunction. 

Example : 

Horoscope of Husband 

Remarks: In husband's horoscope Saturn is the lord of the 7th house, in wife's horoscope Saturn is conjoined with Sun and aspects the ascendant.

In the wife's horoscope, Venus is the lord of the 7th house, in husband's horoscope, Venus is sitting in the ascendant in the sign of Sun and aspecting the 7th house and its lord. 
Conclusion : marriage is predestined .  

 Horoscope of Wife 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Acupressure : How to Diagnose Rheumatism

Rheumatism is any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue, especially rheumatoid arthritis.Rheumatism or rheumatic disorder is an umbrella term for conditions causing chronic, often intermittent pain affecting the joints and/or connective tissue. It presents the symptoms of pain, stiffness or swelling in muscles and joints . it covers conditions as rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis , nonarticular rheumatism, osteoarthritis and gout . 

Parameters(Tender points )  : 

Point no-8 --- thyroid , is the barometer of body controls the calcium level in body detoxifies body by eliminating toxins 
Point no -9 ---spine, back of palm is responsible for protection to spinal cord and  sciatic nerves 
point no -16 ---- lower lumber , back of palm is responsible for lower back pain 
Point no -17 --- hips and  knees 
point no -22 + 23 ---  gall balder  and liver indicates excessive acidity responsible for body inflammation 
Point no -24 --- shoulder 
Point no -28 ---- adrenal , regulates oxygenation and circulation of blood in the body 

Acupressure : How to Diagnose Rheumatism  

Severe pain on following points indicates Rheumatism 

  1. Hurting pain on 9 ---indicates a problem in the spine 
  2. Hurting pain in the beginning of 9 --- indicates spondylitis
  3. Hurting pain on point no-9 towards the point no-16 of lower lumber region --- indicates sciatica 
  4. Hurting pain on point no-16 of the back side of palm + pain on sciatic nerve point on the inner side of the foot  with no pain on pain no -9  ---indicates sciatica pain with no damage to vertebrae .  
  5. Hurting pain on point no-16 + 9 + sciatic nerve on the inner side of foot  ----indicates the problem of sciatica along with damage to some portion of vertebrae .  
  6. Hurting pain on point of sciatica nerve on the legs---- indicates damage to the sciatic nerve 
  7. Hurting pain on point no-17 +8+28 ----indicates pain in hip and knee joints 
  8. Hurting pain on point no-17 +8 + 22 + 23 + 28 --- indicates inflammation in hip and keen joints 
  9. Hurting pain on point no -24 + 9 --- indicates frozen shoulder
  10. Hurting pain on point no -8 + 11-15--- indicates lower body pain ,These points also pain due to Sciatic Nerve, so check it first and if Sciatic Nerve is fine, then it is surely Arthritis. 
  11. Hurting pain on 8 + 11-15 + 36 ---- indicates rheumatoid arthritis. 
  12. Hurting pain on 17 +8 + 22 + 23 + 28 +37  --- indicates Pain in different parts of body and in all joints, it could be due to HIV