Saturday, April 30, 2016

Live in Relationship in Astrology

Cohabitation or live-in relationships in India though not illegal, is considered socially and morally improper. Cohabitation is prevalent mostly among the people living in metro cities in India.There are no strings attached to this relationship, neither this relationship creates any legal bond between the parties. It is a contract of living together which is renewed every day by the parties and can be terminated by either of the parties without consent of the other party and one party can walk out at will at any time.Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 recognises “relationship in the nature of marriage” and protects female partners from domestic violence. Such partners can claim monetary and other reliefs under the Act . 

Parameters :

Ascendant : physical and mental capabilities 
2nd house/lord :house of family
3rd house/lord : stands for frienship and realtionship ,stands  for live in reltionships ,deals with initiative and drive, valor, ability to communicate, new ventures, courage 
4th ghouse/lord :house of family and home 
5th houselord : love , affection ,progeny 
7th house/lord : relates to partnership,marraige, spouse and sexual relationship  
9th house /lord : house of ethics 
11th house/lord :house of fulfilment of relaltions ,friends
12th house/lord :  rules lust for physical relationships,  obstructions,bed pleausre  
Moon : moods,menatlity ,natual significator of mind 
Venus : significaor of wife ,love and romance 
Jupiter : significator of husbnad 
Rahu/Ketu :unsual things in life,unethical ,secret things 

Combinations :

  1. Whether a person is interested in live-in relationship or not  is studied from the influence on third house and its lord.
  2. Moon sitting in the 6th house or 12th house, under the influence of 3rd lord and Rahu, without any  beneficial influence of Jupiter or Venus, causes Yoga of desire, on part of the native, to have live-in relationship.
  3. Moon sitting in 3rd house and infulenced by lords of 6th/12th house without having any influence of Jupietr and Venus indicates desire for live in relationships .
  4. Lords of 2nd and 7th house are in conjuction with  Sun  and lords of 5th and 11th house are strong then the native feel inclined towards a live-in arrangement ,even after a possible berak in his/her marraige. 
  5. 3rd house /lord stands for enemity and longitivity of relationships and Ascenadnt/lord indicates own mental inclinations ,Moon indicates mind and Rahu  stands for unsuals unethical things . So any relation forming  between 3rd house/lord,ascendant/lord,Rahu and Moon creats the desire for live in relationships .
  6. Venus and 5th house are responsible for love and romantic relationships  ,if they are connected with 3rd/11th house/lord without having any influence of Jupiter/Venus   and 7th house/lord indictes the desire for live in relationship .
  7.  If the lord of 3rd house is connected to the 5th house/lord , even though the person gets involved emotionally the relationship may or may not result in a marriage. 

Geeta Jha 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Frequent Job Changes in Astrology

Frequent job changing is becoming quite popular nowadays, due to the work environment that is constantly evolving. Companies are now more than ever, looking for employees who are project workers that can get the job done. Soon after workers completed the task, they move on to another job.
When it comes down to it, if you feel that it’s time for you to move on to another job, make a practical move. You don't want to completely deprive you  of the opportunity to change jobs, however, take your time and consider the effect the change will have on your career. It is important to take a step back, re-evaluate your work patterns and to make sure your next move is the right one for you.
Parameters  : 
  • Ascendant  : indicates one's mentality and capabilities.
  • 5th house : discontinuity of job [being 12th from 6th house ]
  • 6th house :house of routine jobs,mental and physical sickness 
  • 8th house : house of termination, secrets , hidden things
  • 12th house :indicates losses 
  • 10th house : house of career
  • Rahu-Ketu axis : unconventional and unusual events of life,sudden things 
  • Moon /Mercury : fast-moving planets indicates frequent changes. 
Combinations :
6th house :
  1. 6th house indicates job problems related to mental and physical health and wellbeing.
  2. 2. 6th house falls in debilitated sign indicates wastage of efforts. 
  3. Moon placed in the 6th house indicates fickle mind and constant job changing attitude  of the native. 
  4. Saturn ,Mars, and Mercury combining in the 6th house indicates setback due to laziness and inefficiency of the native. 
  5. Mercury sitting in the 6th house  indicates frequent  job  changes due to differences with colleagues. 
  6. Saturn placed in 6th house causes problems with co- workers. 
  7. Afflicted Mars sitting in 6th house causes frequent job changes due to the aggressive and short temper of the native .

10th house :
  1. Debilitated/retrograde/weak lord of 10th house is responsible for obstacles and setbacks in a career. 
  2. Afflicted Mercury related to 10th house indicates frequent job changes due to  mental stress and incompatibility.
  3. Afflicted Sun Related to10th house indicates frequent job change due  egoistic nature of the native. 
  4. Afflicted Venus related to10house indicates job change due to sexual scandals.
  5. Afflicted Mars related to10th house indicates frequent job changes due to arrogance, over ambition and aggressiveness of the native .
  6. Afflicted Saturn related to10th house indicates opposition from subordinate, disappointment in career and  laziness of the native as the main trigger points for constant job changes.
  7. Afflicted Moon Related to 10th house indicates frequent job changes, transfers, and fluctuation in the career. 
  8. Mercury/Moon as lord of the 10th house indicates frequent job changing the mentality . 
  9. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn movable sign in  the10th house indicates the constant desire for the job change.  

Rahu-Ketu Axis : 
  1. The axis of Rahu and Ketu occurring in the 4th and 10th house in  a horoscope is one of the worst situations as far as profession is concerned. Irrespective of which planet (Rahu/Ketu) being posited in the 10th , the professional life of the native will suffer.
  2. Rahu’s position in the 10th house causes one to have frequent changes in his career. Such natives are much aggressive in their professional life. They seldom listen to others opinion and have strained relation with the co-workers. They can be very impulsive which may lead them to make  a hasty decision  in the career.
  3. Rahu placed in the 6th house indicates set back in the career . 

Other combinations :
  1. 10th house falling in cruel signs [ Aries, Capricorn, Leo, and Scorpio]  indicates very dominating and aggressive nature of boss, responsible for professional discord or frequent jobs change .
  2. Saturn and Mars combined in 10th house  forms  Angarak or explosive Yoga and causes abrupt transfer, job change, and termination.
  3. Saturn and Moon combined in 10th house forms Vish or poison yoga responsible for extreme mood swing of the native which is dangerous for job stability . 

  1. Dasha/Anter Dasha  of Rahu/Ketu  or transit of Rahu/Ketu over 10th house causes job instability or tendency of the frequent job change. 
  2. Dasha/Anter Dasha or 6th lord generates fear of losing the job or causes disciplinary/legal problems .
  3. Dasha/Anter Dasha of the 8th house causes termination or delays in job-related matters.  
  4. Dasha /Anter Dasha of the 12th house causes change or loss in the job matters . 
  5. The planets having relation with the 6th/8th/12th house also cause job instability during their Dash/Anter Dasha .
  6. Since 6th house indicates job so during Dasha /Anter Dasha of 5th house/lord[ being 12th from the 6th house] indicates discontinuity of job or the habit of frequent job changes. 
  7. The Dasha/Anter Dasha of movable signs or Dash/Anter Dasha of inauspicious planets   causes instability and/or frequent changes in job. 


Geeta Jha 

प्राणायाम :प्राणायाम और औरा

औरा : 
मनुष्य के शरीर से सदैव एक प्रकार की प्राण विद्युत निकलती रहती है । इस बायो इलेक्ट्रोमैग्नेटिक विद्युत धारा  का निर्माण सूक्ष्म शरीर के निर्माण में भाग लेने वाले न्यूट्रॉन कणों की तीब्र गति के कारण होता है । जड़ अणुओं की गति एक प्रकार की विद्युत उत्पन्न करती  है । विद्युत का प्रवाह  आपने चारो और एक चुंबकीय क्षेत्र का निर्माण करता  है [इलेकट्रोड्यनमिक्स ]। इसी प्रकार शरीर की कोशिकाओं में उन धातुओं और रसायनों की समुचित मात्र रहती है जो उत्तेजित होकर विद्युत धारा  का निर्माण करते हैं । कालांतर में यह विद्युत धारा अपने चारो और एक चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र का निर्माण करते जिसे  औरा कहते हैं । वैज्ञानिक इसे बायो प्लाज्मा , कॉस्मिक एनर्जी, बायो इलेक्ट्रिसिटी ,वाइटल फ़ोर्स,लाइफ फील्ड , एनर्जी मैट्रिक्स आदि नामों सम्बोधित करते हैं । यह प्राण विद्युत स्थूल शरीर से कुछ इंचों से लेकर 3 फ़ीट की दूरी तक फैला रहता है । एनर्जी मैट्रिक्स को ही आभा मंडल या बोलचाल के रूप में औरा कहा  जाता है ।

हमारी आँखों की देखने की एक निश्चित सीमा है , हमारे नेत्र केवल उन्हीं प्रकाश तरंगों को पकड़ पाते हैं जिनकी वेव लेंथ 380 -760 मिली माइक्रोन के बीच में होती है । इससे कम या अधिक वेव लेंथ के प्रति नेत्रों के ज्ञान तन्तु असंवेदनशील रहे हैं जिनके कारण  हम उन्हें नहीं देख पाते हैं  । औरा इसी  सीमा के अंतर्गत आता है जिसे सामान्य दृष्टि से नहीं देखा जा सकता है । वैज्ञानिक उपकरणों के द्वारा इसका मापन  और फोटोग्राफी अंकन संभव है इसी दिशा में में किर्लियन फोटग्राफी विकसित की गई जिसके द्वारा औरा का छायाचित्र लेना आसान हो गया है ।

व्यक्ति की स्थिति,स्वास्थ्य ,आयु,थकावट,मूड और भावनाओं के अनुरूप औरा परिवर्तित होता रहता है ।

हरेक व्यक्ति का औरा उसके विचार और व्यक्तित्व के अनुरूप  होता है। विचारवान ,चरित्रवान ,प्रभावशाली और संकल्पवान व्यक्तियों के औरा चमकीले - दीप्तिमान होते हैं जबकि साधारण  मनुष्य का  औरा क्षीण और धुंधले होता हैं | व्यक्तित्व की औरा पर  भारी छाप होती है ।

औरा केवल प्रकाश ही नहीं है उसमें ताप, विद्युत और चुम्बक के भी गुण हैं । यानि यह सशक्तों से प्रभावित होता है और दुर्बलों  को प्रभावित करता है । औरा अपने निकटवर्ती क्षेत्र को,संपर्क में आने वाले व्यक्तियों को , स्पर्श में आने वाले पदार्थों को सुनिश्चित रूप  प्रभावित करता है । 

कई व्यक्तियों का साथ रुचिकर,सुखद , प्रेरणादायक प्रतीत होता है  | या राह चलने वाले एक अपरिचित को देख कर अनुभव होता है की वह चिरपरिचित है और अनायास ही उससे आकर्षण हो जाता है इसका कारण  दोनों के औरा की समानता होती है । जबकि कई बार किसी से अकारण घृणा, अरुचि, अप्रसन्नता ,खीज जैसी प्रतिक्रिया होती है और उनकी समीपता कष्टकारी लगती है इसका कारण दोनों के औरा की आपस में विषम प्रतिक्रिया होती है । 

आभामंडल स्थूल,सूक्ष्म और कारण शरीर के अणुओं के स्पंदन से निर्मित होता है ।  तीनों शरीर से निकलने वाला प्रकाश एक दूसरे से मिल जाते हैं और एक मिश्रित आभामंडल बनाते है  ।

औरा को 5  भागों में विभाजित किया जाता है ।
हेल्थ औरा :
यह स्वास्थ्य औरा है जो रंगहीन होता है और शरीर के चारो और इंच के चौथाई भाग तक  फैला रहता है । त्वचा से समकोण बनाती हुई अनेक  नाड़ियां होती हैं ।इन नाड़ियों से थोड़े थोड़े समय पर सर्च लाइट की भाँती तेज़ प्रकाश  की किरणें निकलती हैं जो शरीर से बाहर निकल कर तिरोहित हो जाती हैं । हेल्थ औरा में घनी घनी प्रकाश किरणों की समानांतर रेखाएं होती हैं । यह आवरण मुख्य रूप से भौतिक शरीर को सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है यदि इस आवरण में थोड़ी भी असमान्यता आ जाए तो शरीर की प्राण-ऊर्जा बाहर निकल जाती  है और व्यक्ति बीमार पड़  जाता है ।

वाइटल औरा :
यह औरा सूक्ष्म शरीर से विकरित होता है और इसे एक्टिव औरा भी कहा जाता है । सूक्ष्म शरीर से निकलते समय इसका रंग हल्का गुलाबी होता है और शरीर से बाहर आते ही यह नीले रंग का हो जाता है ।  यह औरा इच्छा शक्ति द्वारा नियंत्रित और प्रभावित होता है ।

 कॉस्मिक औरा :
इस औरा में मनुष्य की भावनाएं और इच्छाएं प्रतिबिंबित होती हैं । यह अभिव्यक्ति या जीवन दर्पण का क्षेत्र है ।इस आभामंडल में मनुष्य की ईर्ष्या, द्वेष,काम,क्रोध और दूसरे  मनोभावों के अनुसार  औरा का रंग बदलता रहता है ।

औरा ऑफ़ करैक्टर या चरित्र का औरा :
यह औरा स्थाई लक्षणों वाला होता है । मनुष्य के वर्तमान  और भूतकाल चरित्र के विशेषताओं को दर्शाता है ।

स्पिरिचुअल औरा या आध्यात्मिक औरा :
यह औरा शुभ प्रकाश  किरणों से निर्मित होता है । इसमें पवित्रता का अंश विद्यमान रहता है ।साधू,संत,ऋषि,मुनि,साधक ,मास्टर, हीलर्स में यह औरा चमकीले दैदीप्यमान रूप में पाया जाता है ।

प्राणायाम और औरा 
औरा जन्म जन्मांतरों के प्रयास ,अभ्यास और संस्कारों के आधार पर निर्मित होता है । मनुष्य आपने प्रयास और संकल्प द्वारा इसे बदल और बढ़ा सकता है । एक समान्य व्यक्ति इस बने बनाये  औरा के अनुरूप  अपने स्वभाव और कर्म को बनाये रखता है जबकि एक दृढ निश्चय का स्वामी अपने अभ्यास द्वारा  इसमें भारी परिवर्तन ला सकता है ।

सामान्य रूप से सांस लेने से हम उतनी की प्राण शक्ति खींच पाते हैं उससे बस शरीर का  काम चलता रहे ।  पर प्राणायाम से विधिवत सांस लेने से हम उचित मात्रा में प्राण शक्ति अपने में खींच सकते हैं और उसका शरीर में भण्डारण कर सकते हैं । शरीर में उपस्थित प्राण शक्ति ही हमारे औरा को सबलता प्रदान करती और हमारी रोग प्रतिरोधक शक्ति को बढ़ाती है ।

वायु में प्राण तत्व प्रचुरता में विद्यमान रहते हैं जिसे हम साँसों द्वारा सरलता से ग्रहण कर सकते हैं ।प्राणायाम केवल सांस लेना या छोड़ना भर ही नहीं है बल्कि अपने दृढ संकल्प द्वारा वायु में उपस्थित प्राण तत्व को धारण करना उसका भंडारण  करना और उसका सम्यक वितरण करना होता है ।

प्राणायाम द्वारा औरा को उभारा और मजबूत किया जा सकता है । इसके इलेक्ट्रोमैग्नेटिक प्रभाव को बढ़ा कर मनुष्य ही नहीं  वृक्ष-वनस्पति और जड़ पदार्थों पर भी प्रभाव डाला जा सकता है । एकाग्रता और संकल्प के बल पर आपने औरा  के प्रभाव से हज़ारों मील दूर बैठे व्यक्ति को प्रभावित किया जा सकता है ।

मनुष्य अपनी अज्ञानता के चलते प्राण का अधिकांश भाग व्यर्थ के क्रियाकलापों में , व्यर्थ की कल्पनाओं में , व्यर्थ के चिन्तन में , तनाव,अनिद्रा,चिंता में व्यय कर देता है | प्राण-तत्व के क्षरण से प्राण तत्व की न्यूनता हो जाती है जिसके चलते कई प्रकार के मानसिक और शारीरिक विकार जन्म लेते हैं , और मनुष्य समय से पहले ही काल का ग्रास बन जाता है ।

प्राणायाम में प्राण का व्यवस्थित विकास किया जाता है । प्राण का अनावश्यक क्षरण रोका जाता  है , क्षरण की क्षति पूर्ति  की जाती है और प्राण को अधिकाधिक मात्रा में खींचा जाता है ।

विचार और भावनाओं के सतत प्रवाह से स्थूल, सूक्ष्म और कारण शरीर के सूक्ष्म अणुओं में स्पंदन होता है और उसी से आभामंडल का निर्माण होता है । औरा का प्रभाव  क्षेत्र प्राणायाम के माध्यम से दूर दूर तक फैलाया जा सकता है  जिससे वातावरण को प्रभावित किया जा सकता है । कहते हैं महावीर  और गौतम बुद्ध के आभामंडल का प्रभाव 100 मील तक रहता  था जिसके कारण उनके प्रभाव में आये हुए विपरीत स्वभाव के प्राणी जैसे सिंह और हिरण पास पास बैठे रहते थे ।

कृपया ये ब्लॉग भी पढ़ें .... 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Debilitated Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope

8th house :

The Eighth house is ruled by the sign Scorpio. All issues related to Scorpio rule this house. Most importantly death, sexuality, secrets, other people’s resources, sacrifice and the unseen world of spirits, astral entities, ghosts or our direct experience with  such things. Anything that is taboo, intense, uncomfortable and deep lingers in this house. Having planets in this house will cause individuals to obsess over death. Death is symbolic of change.The Death  represents transformation, regeneration, and change. All these facts are found within the eighth house.

True healers, light workers, counselors and psychics usually have planets in the eighth house. The most powerful healers often have Saturn/Ketu  there. Several light workers, Reiki masters, and pranic healers also have this placement. The most important thing to remember is that the eighth house does not lie. It calls out of the woodwork all truths, emotions, feelings and thoughts. Those with eyes to see will see. Just remember to experience this as oneness with others, not separateness. In the end, this will only increase your abilities and understanding of your purpose here on earth. The eighth house is nothing to be afraid of  because it is a blessing in disguise. Individuals with planets here are truly  future healers.

Saturn :

Saturn is a barren,cold,constant,dry ,binding,defensive, hard and secretive planet . Saturn indicates  delay sometimes deny also,disappointment , disharmony,dispute,difficulty,despondency,dejections and differences. Lazy lethargic,idle persons are born under the influence of malefic Saturn.saturn is the chief significator of longevity. Saturn brings limitation and obstruction, hindrance in self-expression and self-manifestation. 

Debilitated Saturn :

Exaltation means being in high position, exhilaration and strength. Debility means weakness, and humility .Saturn is debilitated in the sign of Aries. Compared to others sign Saturn becomes weakest in sign Aries.   Satrun is debilitated in Aries because it is opposite to those qualities which Saturn rules. Aries sign is owned by Mars, which is an individualist, ambitious,impulsive and  aggressive . Mars always thinks in  black and white, it is a sporty, unorganized, reckless,and patientless planet  which is opposite to Saturn qualities .When Saturn debilitated the native is highly individualistic ,selfish,bitter,controlling,cruel and very ambitious .Accordingly debilitated Saturn placed in different houses of a horoscope can give benefic as well as malefic results depending on the nature of Saturn ,the nature of the house as well as  on the overall tone of the horoscope.

Debilitated Saturn people are reckless, they generally ruin their career due to their indecisive decision,and bad discussions. Debilitated Saturn can cause distrust, depression, fearful, insecure, confused and clinging nature 

Debilitated Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope :

 A benefic debilitated Saturn in 8th house :
  • can give very good results related to the spiritual and paranormal progress of the native and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of this benefic  placement of debilitated Saturn can see good or very good progress in the fields of spiritualism, paranormal and other such faiths and some of these natives can choose to adopt one of these practices as their profession and accordingly such natives can be seen practicing as psychics, tantric, aghoris, black magicians, Voo doo magicians, spiritual mediums, spiritual healers, astrologers and other such kinds of professionals. 
  • can also make the native successful as a doctor, particularly a surgeon or a child specialist, lawyer and especially a criminal lawyer, banker and especially the ones who deal in the loan section of the bank, a physical fitness trainer like aerobics teacher or yoga teacher, police officers who deal with murder cases or crimes related to children, officers of anti-terrorist squad and many other kinds of professionals.
  • Since Saturn is about delay, it delays the sudden ups & down in the person's life, and here there is more of steadiness in marriage life and family assets than great upheaval.  
  • Can also bless the native with sudden financial gains from time to time which can come from various different spheres.
  • Saturn is the karaka of the 8th house and 12th house, this why Saturn is able to handle the dark forces and darkness of the 8th house.
  • From the 8th house Saturn aspects the 10th house of career, which means Saturn is bringing his structure, order, discipline and organization into the career through things hidden under ground, which can show working in oil fields as a oil engineer, mining business, medical and emergency responders or this can make for someone who might be a occultist.
  • From the 8th house Saturn aspects the 2nd house, that means there could be hidden family secrets regarding uncle or grandparents, the native could be separated from his or her family or the native left home at an early age for their career. 
  • from the 8th house Saturn aspects the 5th house of children, creativity and academic education. Saturn can delay the education of the native, delay children or give lot of responsibility regarding children. Saturn likes to discipline and organize the lives of their kids through great transformation. 

A malefic debilitated Saturn in 8th house : 
  • can cause some of the most serious problems related to the marriage, married life and long-term relations of the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement of debilitated Saturn can face many kinds of problems in the above-mentioned spheres. For example, some of these natives may suffer from more than one break-ups and betrayals in their love life, some other natives may suffer from a delayed or a very delayed marriage, some natives may suffer from problems in marriage which are generally caused due to issues of infidelity and some other natives may have to suffer one or more than one broken marriages and divorces in such marriages may be finalized after a long history of courtroom drama and social drama.
  • Saturn in the 8th house gives a very long life, but makes one prone to black magic, spells and bad luck. 
  •  can also shorten the lifespan of the native and it can indicate unnatural death in some cases and as a result, the natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement of debilitated Saturn can die in an accident, through a disease, through an attack from known or unknown enemies and due to other such reasons which can cause an unnatural death. 
  • can also give bad or very bad results regarding financial prosperity of the native, professional progress of the native and overall health of the native.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Secrets of 8th and 12th Houses

The 8th House :

 Is the most intense and powerful house in astrology. It rules death, regeneration, rebirth, healing, transformation, darkness, sexuality, behind the scenes energy and anything taboo and secret. All the energy of Scorpio brings a heightened awareness of the deep, dark things in life that most people hide from.The core meaning of the 8th house is change and transformation. 

The 12th house :

is the other most spiritual and mystical house in astrology. It rules cosmic consciousness, oneness with God, compassion, service to others, psychic abilities, imagination, addiction, secrets  and much more. All the energy of Pisces brings a heightened awareness of the spiritual world and the divine. 


8th and 12th both are considered as the house of secrets, the facts which are hidden to rest of the  world. The 8th house represents secrets of our family may be pertaining to taboo subjects such as childhood abuse, violence, betrayal etc . Where as the 12th house represents those secrets  which are held in our memory as  past life memories , imaginary memories or those  secrets which we are still not aware of  . 

8th house is psychological, analytical mind whereas the 12th house is imaginative mind  and represents  things from out of the world.the 12th shows things about yourself that are unconscious and thus not readily dealt with. In these unconscious urges, emotions, and memories lie the seeds of neurosis. The 8th house is the house of mediums, channels, intuition and psychic abilities and gives the ability to receive messages and guidance from the spirit world, but at times, it may involve the dark side of the spirit world, which can involve possession or negative spirit attachments. 

8th house stands for those secrets which we have consciously kept away from the rest of the world while 12th house secrets are our unconscious secrets , we ourselves might not aware about their existence. 

The 8th house represents worldly gain and these people try hard to gain material gains in life where as the 12th house stands for renunciation of worldly gain for making the  spiritual connection with the invisible world.

The 12th house stands for lucid dreaming. The native may see spiritual guides or masters in dreams or claim to encountered extraterrestrial entities like  aliens, reptilians etc. These people have the ability to astral travel or astral projections  .

While  8th house people can see ghost and spirits. 8th house people like horror, suspense -thriller or pornographic movies while 12th house people like old classics, fantasy, unrealistic romantic  family oriented movies.

8th and 12th houses have a tendency to destroy or sabotage a situation. The 12th house stands for self-sabotage and 8th house indicates destroying other’s person dreams and capabilities .

8th house is a financial institution such as bank, grants, benefits legal institutions and money of older people like of grandfather /grandmother or  father/mothers etc .While 12th house represents fund raising financial institutes like the monasteries and charitable trusts etc or working in hospitals or  prisons.   

8th house people craves for intimacy while12th house people needs peace and quiet .The 8th house indicates strong sensual and sexual influences. Many times this can cause scandalous affairs. 

The 8th house represents sudden and drastic changes while12th house is more about going with the flow. 

 12th house people loves their bed and  they prefer sleeping early or throughout the night .While 8th house people prefer staying up late in the night and they enjoy frequent  sex  in bed. 

The 8th house is accessible through therapeutic relationships focused specifically on cleaning the house of the soul, digging up the poison of hate, fear, bitterness, jealousy, and cleaning up one's act. 

The 12th is focused on through meditation, prayer, contemplation, and inviting the vastness of creation to pour through one.

During Dasha /Antar Dasha of lords of 8th/12th house  or a  transit to 8th/12th house planets ,the secret will come out . 

Geeta Jha 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

प्राणायाम :प्राणायाम और मस्तिष्क


मनुष्य शरीर में सबसे अधिक संवेदनशील एवं सक्रिय अंग मस्तिष्क है ।  तीन पाउंड [१. ३ किलोग्राम ] से भी कम वजन का अखरोठ जैसी आकृति वाला दो गोलार्द्धों में बंटा  हुआ मानव  मस्तिष्क भानुमति का पिटारा है ।मस्तिष्क का बायां गोलार्द्ध बुद्धि और वाणी का और दायां गोलार्द्ध भाव संवेदनाओं का संचालन करते हैं । 

मस्तिष्क के सामने वाला भाग   सेरिब्रम संवेदनाओं और इच्छाओं का केंद्र है,बुद्धि,विचारशीलता और भावनाएं भी  यहीं उत्पन्न होती हैं । मस्तिष्क  का पिछला  हिस्सा सेरिबेलम है जो शरीर  संतुलन बनाने और विभिन्न अवयवों की गतिविधियों को  स्वसंचालित करने की  भूमिका निभाता है । रिफ्लैक्स -एक्शन का नियंत्रण भी यही हिस्सा करता  है । मस्तिष्क का तीसरा भाग मेडुला ऑब्लांगेटा अंगों के स्वसंचालित प्रक्रियाओं को नियंत्रित करता है जिसमें सांस लेना, दिल का धड़कना ,रक्त संचार,मांसपेसियों का  फैलाना- सुकडना ,निद्रा,जागरण ,शरीर की कोशिकाओं का निर्माण-मृत्यु  आदि शामिल है । 

मस्तिष्क में भूरा  पदार्थ बुद्धि का और सफ़ेद पदार्थ क्रिया का संचालन करता है |  मस्तिष्क का दाहिना भाग शरीर के बायें  भाग और बायाँ भाग शरीर के दाहिने भाग का संचालन करता है ।

चेतन-अचेतन मस्तिष्क 

इसके अतिरिक्त मस्तिष्क का एक और विभाजन है भौतिक जानकारी का संग्रह करने वाला  चेतन मस्तिष्क और स्वसंचालित नाड़ी संस्थान को प्रभावित करने वाला  अचेतन मस्तिष्क ।  चेतन मस्तिष्क तर्क-वितर्क विश्लेषण, हिसाब-किताब सूचनाएं एकत्र करने जैसा काम करता है। अवचेतन मस्तिष्क सूक्ष्म मस्तिष्क है जहां हमारी सारे यादें, बचपन की यादें और इस जन्म की यादें दबी रहती हैं।शरीर के हार्मोन एवं रसायन को संतुलित या असंतुलित कर सकते हैं। चेतन मस्तिष्क की सीमाएं हैं अवचेतन मस्तिष्क असीमित है। चेतन भौतिक जगत और भौतिक शरीर तक ही काम कर सकता है। अवचेतन मस्तिष्क सूक्ष्म जगत में कहीं भी यात्रा कर सकता है।

वैज्ञानिकों  ने स्वीकार किया है की शरीर की क्षमता से चेतन मस्तिष्क की क्षमता 10 गुनी  अधिक होती है और चेतन मस्तिष्क की क्षमता से अचेतन मस्तिष्क की क्षमता 10 गुनी अधिक होती है । यानि शरीरिक क्षमता से अचेतन मस्तिष्क की क्षमता  1 00 गुनी अधिक होती है । अचेतन मस्तिष्क शरीर के ऑटोनॉमस  नर्वस सिस्टम को नियंत्रित करता है । 


मस्तिष्क के क्रियाकलापों को  करने के लिए मस्तिष्क में 10  अरब नर्व सेल्स [न्यूरॉन्स] होते हैं ।ये न्यूरॉन्स आपस में नर्व फाइबर से जुड़े रहतें हैं जिनकी संख्या खरबों में होती है । नर्व सेल्स से सम्बंधित नाड़ी तन्तु समस्त शरीर में फैले हुए हैं  जिन्हें दो भागों में बांटा जाता है ,सेंसरी  नर्वज जिनका सम्बन्ध ज्ञानेन्द्रियों जैसे देखना, सुनना,चखना,सूंधने स्पर्श करना से है तो दूसरा भाग मोटर नर्वज का है जो कर्मेन्द्रियों जैसे चलना,खाना ,नहाना,पढ़ना आदि को नियंत्रित और संचालित करता है । 


मस्तिष्क केवल सोचने विचारने के ही काम नहीं आता है बल्कि उसमें पैदा होने वाली विद्युत पूरे शरीर का संचालन करती है    मस्तिष्क की कुछ   कोशिकाएं डायनमो का कार्य करती हैं वे ग्लूकोज़ और ऑक्सीजन का रासायनिक ईंधन जलाकर  उसकी ऊर्जा को विद्युत में बदलती हैं ।लगभग 20  वाट की शक्ति वाली यह विद्युत धारा मस्तिष्क और  शरीर की अन्य कोशिकाओं का क्रिया संचालन करती है ।

मस्तिष्क तरंगें 

मस्तिष्क में उपस्थित न्यूरॉन  परिस्थितियों  के अनुसार अल्फा ,बीटा ,थीटा    एवं डेल्टा तरंगें उत्सर्जित करते रहते  हैं ।हमारे  ब्रेन में चार प्रकार की तरंगें होती हैं। जिस तरह हृदय की तरंगों को ECG  द्वारा मापा जाता है, उसी तरह ब्रेन की तरंगों को मापने का यंत्र है EEG  (इलेकट्रो-एंसफलोग्राफी  )। ब्रेन की चार तरह की तरंगें होती हैं जिन्हें हम बीटा, अल्फा, थीटा एवं डेल्टा कहते हैं। बीटा तरंगों में हमारा ब्रेन पूरी तरह सक्रिय रहता है जिसमें हमारी दिमागी तरंगें 13-50  साइकिल/सेकंड तक चल रही होती हैं। यह पूर्ण जागरूक अवस्था है। अल्फा तरंगों में हमारा चेतन मन थोड़ा शांत हो जाता है, इस समय हमारी दिमागी तरंगें 8 -12 साइकिल/सेकंड  चल रही होती हैं। इसे हम आधी जागी और आधी सोई हुई अवस्था कहते हैं यानी अर्धसुप्त अवस्था। थीटा तरंगों में हमारा चेतन मन पूरी तरह शांत होकर निद्रा में चला जाता है। इसमें हमारी दिमागी तरंगें 4 - 8  साइकिल/सेकंड  हो जाती हैं। इसे हम पूर्ण निद्रा की अवस्था कह सकते हैं। इस अवस्था में हम खूब सपने देखते हैं। इस अवस्था में हम अपने गहरे अवचेतन मन के नजदीक होते हैं। डेल्टा तरंगों में हम गहरी निद्रा या गहरी समाधि जैसी अवस्था में पहुंच जाते हैं जहां हमारे दिमाग की तरंगें पूरी तरह शांत होकर 1 - 4 के साइकिल/सेकंड  चल रही होती हैं। इस अवस्था में हम पूर्ण रूप से बेहोश होते हैं।हमारे दिमाग में विचार दो ही अवस्था में होते हैं। या तो बीटा लेवल में चिंता की सक्रिय अवस्था में या फिर थीटा लेवल में जहां हमारे विचार सपनों के रूप में बहने लग जाते हैं। अल्फा अवस्था ध्यानस्थ निर्विचार की अवस्था है। गहरी कल्पना में हम अल्फा अवस्था में होते हैं। आपने कई बार अनुभव किया होगा कि जब भी आप किसी गहरी कल्पना में डूब जाते हैं, तब कौन आया, कौन गया, आस-पास से क्या आवाजें आ रही हैं, आपको बिल्कुल पता नहीं चलता। जब आपको कोई जोर-जोर से पुकारता है या आपको हिलाता है, तब जाकर आप कहीं चौकते हैं और होश में आते हैं। इस अवस्था को एक प्रकार से अल्फा स्थिति कहते हैं क्योंकि इसमें आपका चेतन मस्तिष्क और सक्रिय होते हुए भी सक्रिय नहीं था, गुम था। अल्फा तरगें मस्तिष्क को विश्राम की स्थिति में ले जाती हैं । 

प्राणायाम और न्यूरॉन्स 

मानवीय बुद्धिमता का रहस्य इस बात पर निर्भर है की मस्तिष्क के न्यूरॉन्स कितने हैं और वे कितनी सघनता से एक दूसरे से जुड़े हुए  हैं । प्राणायाम के  प्रभाव से न्यूरॉन्स की सक्रियता और सक्षमता बढ़ती है और अधिक से अधिक  संख्या में न्यूरॉन , न्यूरॉन फाइबर द्वारा एक  दूसरे से सघनता  से सम्बंधित होते जाते हैं । इससे मस्तिष्कीय क्षमता को कई गुणा बढ़ाया जा सकता है । बुद्धिमता को असाधरण रूप से विकसित किया जा सकता है । 

प्राणायाम मस्तिष्क के दोनों गोलार्द्ध 

मस्तिष्क के दोनों गोलार्द्ध  कार्पस कैलोजम के माध्यम से आपस में जुड़े रहते हैं इसी  के कारण उनमें जानकारी और भावनाओं का आदान-प्रदान होता है ।   दोनों गोलार्द्धों की अपनी अपनी प्रबल क्षमता है | सामान्य  स्थितियों में  मस्तिष्क के दांये-बायें गोलार्द्धों में से एक भाग  अधिक सक्रिय और प्रबल रहता है और दूसरे भाग पर अपना वर्चस्व बनाये रखता है । 

बायां भाग बौद्धिक चिंतन को और दाहिना भाग भावना और संवेदना की वृद्धि करता है । मनुष्य का सर्वांगीण विकास तभी संभव है जब उसकी बुद्धि और भावनाओं के मध्य संतुलन और सामंजस्य हो । अक्सर एक भाग की सक्रियता और दूसरे भाग  की निष्क्रियता के चलते कई प्रकार के मनोविकार उत्पन्न  हो जाते हैं जैसे खंडित मानसिकता, मंदबुद्धि, अवसाद, चिंता,तनाव,खिन्नता , आत्महीनता ,आदि । 

प्राणायाम करने से दोनों गोलार्द्धों  के क्रिया-कलापों में संतुलन और सामंजस्य स्थापित होता है ।प्राणायाम मानसिक संतुलन को साधने और सुस्थिर रखने के लिए  रामबाण है । अनगिनत शरीरिक रोग मानसिक असंतुलन या मानसिक व्याधियों के चलते उत्पन्न होते हैं । जिन्हें साइको -सोमेटिक रोग कहते हैं ,शरीर के 80  % रोग इसी की श्रेणी में आते हैं । शरीर और मन का अविछिन्न सम्बन्ध है , प्राणायाम द्वारा मन संतुलित और स्वस्थ होता है तो शरीर के रोग भी नष्ट होने लग जाते हैं , सशक्त  मस्तिष्क शरीर की रोग प्रतिरोधक प्रणाली को मजबूत करता है और शरीर को निरोगी और तेजवी बनाता है ।  

प्राणायाम और चेतन-अचेतन मस्तिष्क 

ऑटोनॉमस  नर्वस सिस्टम को किसी भी प्रकार  प्रभावित करना काफी मुश्किल काम है लेकिन यह ऑटोनॉमस सिस्टम प्राण के प्रभाव को सहजता से स्वीकार कर लेता है । इस प्रकार प्राणायाम के द्वारा अचेतन मस्तिष्क की सुप्त शक्तियों को जागृत और नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है । ऑटोनॉमस नर्वस सिस्टम के क्रियाकलापों में नई चेतना  आती है और उनके सभी कार्य नियमित एवं स्थाई रूप से होने लग जाते हैं । एंडोक्राइन ग्लण्ड्स सही प्रकार से कार्य करने लगते हैं और मानसिक और शरीरिक रोग दूर होने लगते हैं ।  

प्राणायाम और मस्तिष्क तरंगें 

 मानव मस्तिष्क में दाएं और बाएं  गोलार्द्धों से निकलने वाली तरंगें अनियमित होती हैं , प्राणायाम के अभ्यास से मस्तिष्क की तरंगों के क्रम में आपसी सामंजस्य होता जिसके फलस्वरूप नर्वस सिस्टम की क्रियाशीलता बढ़ती है और वह सुचारु रूप से कार्य करने लगता है । 

प्राणायाम के समय मस्तिष्क के दायें -बाएं दोनों भागों के मस्तिष्क तरंगों की सक्रियता अत्यधिक बढ़ जाती है और प्राणायाम के बाद भी यह  तरंगें कुछ समय तक  इसी  स्थिति में रहती हैं , जिसके चलते दोनों गोलार्द्धों के मध्य समंजस्य का पता चलता है ।इस प्रकार साधक अपनी मानसिक शक्तियों का पूर्ण विकास कर सकता है ।

EEG द्वारा प्राणायाम के बाद साधक में अल्फा तरंगों की बहुलता देखी  गई है  । प्राणायाम के बाद मस्तिष्क से अल्फा  तरंगें 8-12  साइकिल /सेकंड निकलती | 

सामान्तया मानसिक सक्रियता की स्थिति में मस्तिष्क  से बीटा  तरंगें निकलती हैं जिनकी फ्रीक्वेंसी 13 -50 साइकिल/सेकंड एवं इससे अधिक होती है । पूर्ण विश्राम युक्त जागृत अवस्था में अल्फा तरंगें 8-12  साइकिल /सेकंड से निकलती हैं  । ये अल्फा तरंगें  मस्तिष्क को शांत और शिथिल करती हैं और उसके  कार्यक्षमता को बढ़ाती हैं  जिसके फलस्वरूप ह्रदय गति कम होती है  और कार्डिओ -वैस्कुलर की कार्य क्षमता बढ़ती है । 

प्राणायाम और मस्तिष्क के क्रियाकलाप 

प्राणायाम के अभ्यास से मस्तिष्क और शरीर में ऑक्सीजन की खपत की मात्रा काफी कम हो जाती है जिसके परिणाम स्वरूप मेटाबॉलिक रेट भी काफी कम हो जाता है । इसके चलते शरीर की  कोशिकाएं गहरे विश्राम में चली जाती हैं , शरीर में ब्लड लैक्टेट का स्तर काफी कम हो जाता  है  इससे रोग दूर होने लगते हैं ।  

इस प्रकार हम देखते हैं की प्राणायाम शरीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य की रक्षा और वृद्धि के लिए एक उपयोगी विधान है । 

कृपया ये ब्लॉग भी पढ़ें ....

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sun Occupies the 12th house

Sun :

 The Sun is the most auspicious presence in the celestial arena which provides pleasing impacts upon the native’s life as it will provide a  good path of life. It glows brightly in the sky reminding us of its power. Without the Sun, there can be no life. In our astrological chart, the Sun represents our main identity, personality, and outward appearance. However, on a deeper level, it represents our father figure. A father figure is a powerful person in our life that has a significant effect on each of us - for good or bad. Unfortunately, with the Sun in the twelfth house, there is unusual suffering related to the father figure.

12th house :

 The 12th  house is one of the most spiritual houses in our astrological chart. It represents issues related to spirituality, secrets, karma, charity, confinement, institutions, suffering, cosmic consciousness, meditation, escapism and service to humanity. When the Sun is placed in this house, we often become an intuitive, the type of person that is extremely sensitive to other people’s feelings and emotions.

12th house indicates spiritual guidance, prayer, and clandestine activities; foreign life, distant lands, imagination, dreams, bedroom, cloister, enclosure etc. 

Individuals with the Sun placed here are compassionate, caring and self-sacrificing. A loss of boundaries about oneself and others often occurs when planets are placed in the 12th  house. Wherever the Sun is placed in our chart, is where we are forced to find our oneness with God and find out who we truly are. 

General characteristics :
  1. The natives born with Sun in their 12th house would be reserve personas who would always need their space as they feel secure & strong within that.
  2. They won’t be friends with everyone around but will share a peaceful bond with the society and in a professional arena while on the other part, they would be more satisfied in solitude but they do believe in keeping many people in good relation but they are not among the social animals.
  3. The  natives having Sun in 12th house carry a leading approach and personality wherever the stand and move from.
  4. They believe in possessing a strong understanding and perceiving the depths of worthy aspects. They will look towards reaching the intellectual & wiser heights rather than craving towards the center stage and all lights upon them.
  5. Their calm appearance won’t let their real core come out in the public or should say in front of anyone for which only very rare people would be aware of their real one.
  6. The natives of this placement  should always possess a courtyard within the house and should stay true & pure from the core throughout the life path.
  7. The native having Sun in 12th house  would give great endeavor and hard work at every place & aspect throughout their life path beside which they will provide variant services to those around while on the most positive side of it, they will get recognized and admired for all of their efforts & services
  8. The native having Sun in 12th house  should stay involved in spiritual aspects and should learn to forgive others even to enemies as that will benefit them. 
  9. There may be some expression of the creative intelligence toward the building of dormitories, ashrams, hospitals, foreign residences, and charitable works in general.
Father :
  1. There is absent or missing father figure in the life of native having Sun in 12th house.  
  2. There is always a  feeling of detachment from the father figure. This occurs for many reasons, but the most frequent reason seems to be the loss of the father figure at a young age. These individuals were unable to bond with the father figure due to their sudden death or absence or discord from them .
  3. It is possible that the father figure had a drug or alcohol problem or had an   aggressive and abusive nature  , which made them incapable of bonding with the child. These individuals grow up feeling detached and perceive their father as distant.
  4. Also , there is a possibility that the  father is physically present in the individual’s life, but there is no relationship and no bond. The father might have worked a lot, traveled a lot or simply did not communicate with the individual while growing up or he may be hospitalized for a chronic illness, or abandoned the family, completely for  unknown[secret] reasons .
  5. In all  instances ,there is a feeling that one does not have a father. This results in a deep-seated loneliness and a constant search for that fatherly energy.
  6. If Sun is strong the father is popular and admired, yet he has a private life which may not be known to the child.
  7. Often the Sun in 12th house the child develops an elaborate imaginative construct about the father which is noble and bright in character but is nevertheless a phantasm.
God as Father
  1. the constant search for  fatherly energy  forces the individual to seek one’s true father which is God. A lot of suffering comes from this placement, but significant growth and spiritual advancement are possible as well.
  2. Each individual must come to a point where they seek a greater love, one that is beyond the physical. Often the individual will find their oneness with God or the creative forces by service to others and put this first in their life.
  3. When the person finds that  bond and feels God's unconditional love, they feel totally accepted and loved. This is the primary lesson that souls with this placement chose to learn. After they feel this unconditional love and acceptance of self they are then ready to have the great honor of finding that bond with another physical person. However, this is not likely to manifest for them until they have mastered the basic lesson of this house.
 True Purpose of Life :
  1. Individuals are sometimes forced to seek God or the creative forces through experiencing suffering, heartache, depression and feelings of loneliness. These feelings occur to push individuals forward in fulfilling their true purpose. Finding oneness with God and humanity is their ultimate goal.
  2. To feel oneness with humanity is a daunting task, but also because of their 12th house Sun, these individuals are well equipped to pursue it, handle it and succeed. The father figure circumstances in their lives will no longer be a curse, but will have become a blessing in disguise.
  3. The  individuals who have experienced the truths of this placement to know that they are not alone and that there are a spiritual reason and predictor of why this occurs.They should not  think of themselves as victims or believe that the universe cheated them out of a relationship with a physical father. The most important thing to remember is that the universe has a plan for them and that plan is for an intense oneness and love for our spiritual father. This feeling is an unconditional love that is often beyond words.
Hidden secrets :
  1. Sun in the  12th house indicates self-confidence in the realm of secrets, hidden assets, confidential information.
  2. Sun's inner glittering brilliance is still there but it is deeply enclosed within the private psyche and not really visible to the wider society unless Sun is paired with other benefic  planets   in 12th house .
  3. They are guided by invisible helpers and guides . However, the instructions of the ancestral Guides tend to direct one along a portion of the astral-to-material path (12th house ) which develops the charismatic personal genius, speculative intelligence, and self-promotion through one's children (Sun )
  4. Sun brings intelligent ego-brightness to the traffic on the bridge between the astral plane (subconscious) and the material plane (conscious).
  5. The native having Sun in 12th house is  indeed a person of high creativity in a parallel life the fantasy life .
Identity loss :
  1. Sun in vyaya-bhava-12th  also contributes to the dissolution of the fleshly identity. Surya's theatrical style and political approach to dealing with dream-like imagery tend to siphon off the vitality from the animal, blood-fed, muscular body and transmit the life-force back into the dream world. As a result,  Sun in the 12th house  becomes associated with identity loss.
  2. Spiritually the placement is beneficial but socially and psychologically However there is some struggle with the  lack (12th ) of recognition (Sun ) and recurring identity loss.
  3. Sun in 12th house the native  may indeed live two lives: one, the heroically idealized fantasy life, and the other, the socially restricted  reality.
  4. If Sun is also lord of ascendant then  the native  may be a public icon who brings the world of private imagination into the light of publicity . 
Dreams and imaginations :
  1. Native having Sun in 12th house is a  king of an imaginary kingdom.They excelled in writing fantasy and secret agents books or novels .
  2. Sun in 12th house  channels divines creativity primarily through works of the imagination, or through intense ego-engagement with foreign lands. 
  3. He may get success in an obscure or unpopular occupation like suspense writings or composing fancy love songs .
  4. The native may be visited by spiritual guides and invisible helpers in dreams . 
Foreign Link :
  1. There is a natural intuitive brightness which shines an intelligent light into the realm of clandestine and foreign operations; and international clandestine business dealings .
  2. As an adult, such a person is happy and often quite productive in environments where little is known about the playmates or colleagues, such as in foreign service, international relations etc.
  3. One seeks praise and recognition for one's private imagination, and ability to relate to those from foreign lands .
  4. Sun in 12th house , native  likes to wander in foreign lands, usually with a self-validation purpose such as recovery of past-life knowledge or political/professional  engagement with foreign lands.
  5.  Sun in the 12th  house indicates foreign residence or settlement .
  6. Typically the Native having Sun in 12th house  carries a feeling of being a foreigner . 
Some losses :
  1. This placement is not good for eyes especially the right one . 
  2. Not good for uncle .
  3. Unexpected financial losses.
  4. Much expenditure through the government (by way of taxes, fines etc.)"
  5. This placement can bring disgrace to the native . 
Though it might seem unfair at first, the placement of the Sun in the 12th  house can truly be a blessing for those with it.

Test Tube Baby in Astrology

Advanced reproductive technology  (ART) is the technology used to achieve pregnancy in procedures such as fertility medication, artificial insemination IUI, in vitro fertilization IVF and surrogacy. It is reproductive technology also known as fertility treatments. In astrology,  it is possible to predict whether a woman will get benefited from advanced assisted reproductive technology or not .   

Parameters :

Rahu/Ketu: indicates unconventional methods, super fine technology,
Jupiter: stands for children
5thhouse/lord: house of children


  1. In natal chart or Navmansha chart , Rahu/Ketu influencing 5th house/lord orJupiter or the 5th house from the Jupiter indicates test tube baby or other advanced  fertility treatments.
  2. In Saptansh chart, Rahu/Ketu influencing Ascendant/lord of ascendant, 5th house/lord or  Jupiter or 5th house from Jupiter indicates children from test tube baby IVF technique or from advanced  fertility treatments.


Geeta Jha 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ketu in the 12th House : Salvation ,Detachment , Mystery and Psyche

Ketu :

Ketu or the South node of the moon is a shadowy planet i.e. as per Vedic Astrology, placed always in diagonal opposition (180 degrees apart) to Rahu- the North node of the Moon. With an imagery of a headless, half-bodied, smoky planet, Ketu is generally known as the planet of illusion, detachment, spirituality, asceticism, secrets, apart from various other things.Ketu is a  mysterious planet  with complete uncertainty about its form, existence, activity, thoughts, tendencies,  and behaviour. It is very difficult to predict or comprehend what may be brewing within the being of Ketu. Ketu is also, generally, the least talked about the planet in Astrology, and there always remains an aura of infinite mystery and intrigue about Ketu and its characteristicsKetu always represents functioning in an unnoticeable manner. That is why it itself remains the least discussed planet in Astrology. Most of the activities that happen without coming to people’s notice are the activities that are represented by Ketu. Thus, Ketu can produce the finest informers and spies. The greatest Intelligence Officers, Undercover Agents, and Covert Operations specialists normally are found to have a significant influence of Ketu in their Birth-Charts.

12th house : 

The 12th House in astrology is the house of secrets and things hidden. These things hidden can be qualities that we possess that we hide from others or they can be qualities we possess that we are unable to accept in ourselves. The 12th house is the “the storehouse within us in which both our inner demons and angels reside.” As a result, it is often called the house of self-undoing. It is the house of the shadow. It points us to the parts of ourselves that are most deeply wounded and hints at the heaviest karma that we have carried into our current life.Problematic areas relating to the 12th house are unseen health problems, addictions, excessive escapism, and an overwhelming feeling of powerlessness.

The 12th  is also the house of solitude and confinement and both of these experiences support the work of the 12th  house.12th  house planets are energies turned inward; they allow us to integrate knowledge and work through our shadow. Often people who spend time in prisons, ashrams, or voluntarily choose isolation have strong 12th house placements.

The 12th house represents salvation, souls journey after death, past life accounts and the number of births still to take. 

Ketu in 12th house : 

Secrets :

Those with Ketu  in the 12th house have a deep interest in secrets, the unconscious, and anything mysterious. Psychoanalysis, investigating dreams and other methods of uncovering mysteries are interesting to them. They may be exceptionally perceptive intuitively or psychically. The 12th house reveals influences beyond our conscious control. 

You have a deep interest in secrets, the underworld or unconscious, and anything hidden and mysterious. Psychoanalysis, investigating your dreams, and other methods of uncovering secrets are very interesting to you. You may be exceptionally perceptive intuitively or psychically. 

Hidden life :

Ketu in the 12th house possesses a psychic sensitivity to the hidden lives of others. You may be drawn to any work that demands digging beneath the surface: reporter, psychologist, researcher, detective, police officer etc.Your clear-sightedness and your investigative capacity enable you to solve mysteries in a deep and intuitive way.They may flourish in professions relating to criminal psychology, healing, mental health nursing, forensics, investigative research, detective work or anything that allows them to divulge into the deeper aspects of being.

Dark world :

Ketu  is sensitive to what is dark and destructive in society. Self-destructive, suicidal, paranoid and destructive fantasies leave the individual feeling helpless and unable to prevent something bad from happening. Yet, this is also a frequent placement in the charts of those who work in mental health, crisis situations, counselling, and crime prevention.Your clear-sightedness and your investigative capacity enable you to solve mysteries in a deep and intuitive way.

Private Affairs : 

Common characteristics of Ketu  in the 12th  house include: being deeply private, not what they seem as interpreted in other’s eyes, deeply sensitive; taking things to heart; being amazingly shy at a core level; being ultra-emotional; although you may not know it, they can be extremely giving in a silent way; having many deep and unresolved fears, and aura of dreaminess, and powerful dreams or never any dreams because of exhaustion; being naturally psychic

Karmic mission :

In Evolutionary Astrology, Ketu  represents your karmic mission. With Ketu  in this position part of your karmic mission would be to face your relationship with spirit and come to terms with death and the fact that life is a cycle. With this placement, your karmic mission is to face the darkness within and use it as a catalyst to gain enlightenment.

Subconscious mind :

With this position, you may hide your intensity showing people a façade of lightness and levity when beneath it all you have the capacity to dive to great depths to heal yourself and others. When transits aspect your Ketu in   your life may feel out of control and you experience a range of challenging emotions like anger, hatred, want and obsession. Or perhaps you have buried these unpleasant emotions and suffer from nightmares and fear of being alone with your thoughts. 

You want to understand the world around you on the deepest possible level. On one hand you are deeply afraid of the shadows and on the other you are intrigued and drawn to all that which is hidden and taboo.

Those born with their Ketu in the 12th House may wander through life with the intrinsic feeling something dark and devious threatens their entire existence. There tend to be highly resonant themes of intuitive guidance, psychological probing and possible innate fears, betrayals or guilt around sexual behaviour. 

Your emotions and subconscious energies are complex, and periodic transformations and personal crises are sprinkled liberally throughout your lifetime.

Repressed Sexuality : 

Often people with this placement grew up in environments where they were shamed for their sexuality and emotional intensity. The result is that you may feel unsafe expressing yourself sexually or find shame around your sexual desires and wants.

Death :

You may have experience death early on in life and as a result, you developed a fascination and sometimes fear of death. Often with this placement people feel torn between life and death; struggling with thoughts of death and suicide. You are forced in life to dig into the depths of your psyche and this can lead to bouts of depression.

Healing Powers  :

There is great power in having Ketu in the 12th House. It gives you the capacity to dive into the depths and heal yourself and to some extent humanity. You can make a choice to use this energy to bravely dig into your shadows and use what you find there to heal yourself. If you do it will be the tool that can build powerful pathways to enlightenment.There is a deep need to do something for humanity that will benefit others and themselves. Ketu  in the 12th house possesses a deep reservoir of healing power, regenerative ability, capability and strength in the face of unimaginable terror.

Inbuilt lie detector : 

Ketu  in the 12th House are born with inbuilt lie detectors that rapidly and instantly intuit the motives of their company, and it is absolutely impossible to get anything past these personalities. These individuals are the ultimate concealers and implant rigorous psychological barriers designed to retract any soul that dare intrude their inner world.''

Dreams : 

 These individuals may negotiate violent fears and traumatic nightmares where they often feel desperately hopeless and unwell and are capable of retrieving numinous universal knowledge from the depths of their dream slumber.Ketu is the shadowy side of yourself. You may even have problems with depression or addictive behaviors which create a kind of emotional trap until you learn to delve into the depths of your being and clean out the ghosts and dragons from your past which still haunt your dreams. 

Salvation : 

As Ketu represents detachment from worldly bondages, it is also known as the Moksha-karaka or the factor responsible for attaining salvation. It keeps reminding a person of the significance and importance of spirituality and higher wisdom, through various experiences. Being a philosophical planet, it also constantly pushes a person to proceed further on the path of spirituality, and it may make the native seek the fulfillment through spirituality and philosophy. Ketu in the 12th house indicates salvation or the last birth of the native .