Friday, February 19, 2016

Significance of Saturn and Mars in Engineering Profession

In Horoscope Mars and Saturn are the primary significator for the Engineering profession . 

Astrological factors responsible for Engineering profession :

Mars : Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Civil Engineer
Saturn :  natural significator of employment, technical and instrumental work, mining engineering,Agricultural Engineering, drilling and crude oil exploration
Mercury : Mathematics ,  mental abilities ,logic, calculations, Information Technology (IT) trade, aeronautical engineering
Venus : a planet of beauty, designing and planning , Architect engineering ,planet of computers 
Rahu :  a planet of maneuvering and innovative ideas ,Software Engineering,planet for chemistry 

Astrological Combinations for Engineering professions :
  1.  If a person wants to go in the technical field, then the 5th  house/lord should directly relate to the 10th  house/lord
  2. The Saturn is the natural significator of employment in a nativity. The strength and good placement of Saturn is, therefore, one of most important factors for success and smoothness in professional matters
  3. Saturn, Mars and Rahu carry technological approach. So relationship between Saturn, Mars and Rahu with the 10th house, 10th Lord, 5th house, (that is the house of mind and education) and 5th Lord give sure engineering service 
  4. Association  of Jupiter+Mercury , Venus + Mars in birth chart or Jupiter and Mercury placed in beneficial houses and Saturn is related to Rahu ,then the person will get education in IT and will achieve success in this field.
  5. 2nd, 4th,5th houses are related to ascendant/9th house / 10th house and Jupiter, Mars,Saturn and Mercury or Venus related to each other ,the native will pursue  higher education in IT field. 
  6. 5th house  falling in an auspicious sign or 5th lord is  making a relation with Jupiter/Mars/Venus ,indicates higher education in IT field. 
  7. Venus and Saturn making a relation with 5th house/lord indicates education in IT field. 

Geeta Jha 

Please also read this Blog ......

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Menstrual Disorders in Astrology

menstrual disorder is an abnormal condition in a woman's menstrual cycle.The abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB): which may include heavy menstrualbleeding ( menorrhagia ), no menstrual bleeding ( amenorrhea ) or bleeding in between periods (metrorrhagia) dysmenorrhea : (painfulmenstrual periods) premenstrual syndrome (PMS) premenstrual dysphonic disorder (PMDD).

Astrological factors responsible for menstrual disorders :
  1. Moon : Significator of body liquid,mental tendencies . 
  2. Mars : significator of blood
  3. Venus-- indication of the uterus and ovaries, inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, ovarian diseases, venereal complaints, reproductive organs, diabetes, hormonal disorders of reproductive organs, venereal diseases of the internal generative organs, 
  4. Satrun :chronic conditions, obstruction  
  5. Jupiter ;significator of tumor 
  6. Rahu : mental disorders 
  7. 6th house/lord : house of sickness
  8. 8th house /lord: private parts , uterus and 
  9. Sign Cancer :water nurture ,mucous membrane 
  10. Sign Scorpio : elimination body outlets,Vagina
Astrological combinations for Menstrual disorders :
  1. Bad situation of Moon and Mars in the horoscope is the main cause for menstrual disorders. 
  2.  Moon placed in 6th/8th/12th house and aspected by at least two malefic like Mars/Satrun/Rahu/Ketu then it is sure that the irregularities and pain in menstrual cycle.
  3. Moon and Mars afflicted by Saturn indicates scantly and painful flow. 
  4. Association of Moon+ Ketu /Moon+Mars/Moon+Saturn/Moon +Rahu a horoscope causes menstrual disorders.  
  5. Saturn in sign Scorpio, placed in the 8th house will give diseases of reproductive organs throughout life.
  6.  Affliction to Moon and Mars in a female astrology chart create disturbance in menstrual cycles
  7.  Afflicted 8th house/lord and sign Scorpio indicate generative organs problems
  8.  Mars afflicting 7th /8th house and Moon induces endometriosis.
  9. Venus square Mars gives congestion or the surplus blood being stored in the walls of the uterus or endometriosis.
  10. Moon and 8th house/lord afflicted by Mars indicates excess bleeding in menstrual cycle and pelvic inflammatory diseases.
  11. Malefic aspects on lords of 6th and 8th houses, guarantees the presence of venereal diseases or some other disorders of the genital system
  12. Mars and Rahu posited in 7th indicates excess bleeding
  13. · Moon and 8th house/lord afflicted by Saturn indicate scanty flow in menstrual cycle with severe pain
  14. Mars in the 6th house is an indication of acute illness of the genitals (bleeding and inflammation)
  15. Venus posited in 6th/8th/12th house indicates common female genitals disorders
  16. Lord of ascendant/6th, conjunct with Mercury and Rahu is the sure indication of female disorders
  17. 7th house/lord afflicted by Mars stands for inflammation and endometriosis
Geeta Jha

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Foreign Education in Astrology

Nowadays more and more student are eager to study abroad, because they feel that studying abroad is better than studying local universities of our country. However, the students have their own where to study. They have own reason to stud locally or abroad. Both of universities, abroad or local have their own uniqueness, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

Astrological significators for foreign  -education :

Ascendant : personality and mental inclination of the native 
2nd house  : family, wealth , primary education 
3rd house/lord :short travel , transfer 
4th house/lord :secondary education, birth place home 
5th house/lord  : college education, house of education
7th house/lord :journey , business and foreign settlement 
8th house : mystical and research education,house of change    
9th house/lord : higher education, long journey , fate  
12th house/lord : overseas 
Rahu : Signification of foreign settlement 

Astrological combinations for foreign -education
  1. 5th lord in 12th or 12th lord in 5th house indicates oversea education .
  2. Malefic affliction to 4th house and its lord in birth and Moon chart .
  3. 4th house or its lord is afflicted by Rahu/Ketu  in birth and Moon chart .
  4. 4th lord placed in 12th house. 
  5. Ketu Placed in 12th house. 
  6. 4th house is afflicted by malefic or 4th lord is placed in 6th/8th/12th house and 2nd,5th and 9th house are interrelated in the horoscope indicates foreign education and settlement.
  7. 4th, 5th and 12th house/lord are connected with each other , the native will travel abroad for foreign education and permanent settle there .
  8. 5th,9th and 12th house/lord are connected with each other , native will abroad for education or for lecture or seminar .   
  9. Rahu-Ketu Axis in 12th house from both birth ascendant and Moon sign ascendant
  10. 9th lord placed in 12th house indicates higher education from abroad . Lord of Moon's sign must have connection with 9th house/ lord or 12th house/lord.
  11. Lords of 5th and 12th are related and if 10th lord is also connected with them ,the native will studies abroad and do job also.
  12. Lord of 2nd placed in 12th house ,indicates the native will go abroad for primary education .
  13. Placement of  Moon in Quadrant in movable sign  ,indicates separation from owns birth place .
  14. Moon placed in quadrant in Cancer/Pisces sign  or placed in 8th/9th/ 12th house in own sign/exalted sign  , abroad -education is sure. 
Timing of Education in Abroad :
  1. During period/sub period  of Rahu .
  2. Transits of Saturn,Jupiter and Rahu over   significator houses.
  3. During period/sub period of lords of  significator houses. 
  4. Double go-char or transit of Saturn and Jupiter over foreign houses. 

Geeta Jha 

Liver Diseases in Astrology

The liver is the biggest gland in the body. It stores fats, minerals, and vitamins; converts sugar into glycogen and vice-versa and store it; removes toxins and destroys unwanted by-products; it converts cholesterol into bile. 

Our body has reactor-producing energy and heat. Our body requires a cooling system to control this heat. It is liver . its working can be compared with the working of the radiator of a car. It produces bile juice which is stored in the gall bladder and from there, whenever necessary, it is poured into the duodenum -part of the small intestine and turns the acidic semi-liquid food into alkaline. Now if the liver does not function properly and produce sufficient bile and if there is no free flow of this stored bile from the gall bladder into the small intestine, acidity in the digestive system increases. this in turn leads to excess heat in the body .one hand more acidity leads to gases, burning sensation , ulcers  in stomach/intestine/mouth , weakening of gums and teeth   and on the other hand excess heat produces cold due to heat, weak eyesight, thinning of ova and semen,early ejaculation , leukorrhea ,skin problems, falling of hairs,jaundice ,short temperedness etc.  

There are over 100 different forms of liver disease that affect men, women, and children. Some of them are liver cirrhosis, fatty liver, jaundice, liver cancer, liver failure, hepatitis, liver abscess, alcoholic liver diseases, etc. 

Astrological factors for Liver diseases: 

Jupiter: significator of liver
Saturn: indicates obstruction, chronic diseases  
5th house: represents  liver
9th house: being 5th from the fifth house it also represents liver

Astrological combinations for liver problems  :
  1. Affliction to Jupiter and 5th house/lord.
  2. Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn either by aspect or by conjunction.
  3. 5th lord placed in the 6th/8th/12 house and afflicted by malefic. 
  4. Jupiter and Saturn in 9th house in birth chart and Navmansha chart.
  5. Jupiter placed in the 6th/8th/12th house and afflicted by malefic like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, the disease will take a serious turn.
  6. In Navmansha chart, 5th and 9th house are afflicted by Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.
  7. Lord of the 5th or 9th house combined /afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu indicates the possibility of jaundice.
Geeta Jha 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Astrological Reasons Why Some People Feel Habitually Cold ?

Feeling chilly when the AC is blasting is one thing. But if you're always shivering, or your hands and feet feel like blocks of ice while everyone else nearby says the temperature feels toasty, then it's time to investigate. Question come in mind that “why someone feel Too  Cold " ? 

Astrological Factors responsible for feeling too Cold 

Ascendant : Physical condition 
Saturn : is a cold planet  
Moon : cold,sensitivity, mind, adaptability,water content in body 

When a person feel too much cold :
  1. Saturn placed in ascendant or aspect /conjunct/ lord of ascendant. 
  2. Saturn conjunct/aspect Moon.
  3. Saturn associated with lord of ascendant or Lord of Moon sign . 
  4. Mars placed in watery sings (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
  5. Ascendant and ascendant lord in watery sings. 
  6. Lord of ascendant placed in sign of Saturn in birth chart or in Navmansha chart.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Moksha or Salvation in Astrology !

In Indian religions and Indian philosophy, moksha (Sanskrit: मोक्ष mokṣa), also called vimoksha, vimukti and mukti,means emancipation, liberation or release. In the soteriological and eschatological sense, it connotes freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth. In the epistemological and psychological sense, moksha connotes freedom, self-realization and self-knowledge.

Astrological factors responsible for Salvation or Moksha

12th house : 1st house represent creation so twelfth  to it 12th house represents loss of creation.
4th house : 5th house represent sustenance so twelfth to it 4th house represents loss of sustenance. 
8th house : 9th house indicates destruction so twelfth to it such that 8th house represents  loss of destruction. 
Sun : stands for soul ,illumination 
Moon : mental state ,
Ketu : this is a planet of salvation /enlightenment ,planet of last life/birth.  

Astrological combinations for Salvation or enlightenment 

  1. Ketu in 12th house indicates that this is the last  birth/life of the person. 
  2. 4th/8th/12th houses are moksha houses , so placement of Sun,Moon and Ketu in any of these houses indicates enlightenment of the native . 
  3. Ketu in 12th house and Sun / Moon placed in 4th /8th house ,indicates that native will get enlightenment before his death. 
  4. Ketu in 8th house and Sun /Moon placed in 4th/12th house also indicates salvation .  
Geeta Jha 

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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Huna - the Technique of Empowerment of Occult Powers

The golden occult keys of Huna  can open doors to the secrets of the universe and bring you into the domain of infinite power , riches , abundance and psychic revelations.

There are six golden mystical keys  to unlock the secret of the universe.They are  ...

Mystic - Dedication 

Most people live without rhyme or reason,they lack purpose fullness back of their lives,and consequently they drift along life's highway , seldom achieving their goals, but experiencing discontent and misery. Mystical dedication literally means that you set you mind and body apart and consecrate them to a higher , more sacred purpose and than just living for physical and material things.

All days search for  opportunities in which you may release the highest , noblest and most inspiring thoughts and actions to the world .In your home, in business, in your social  life,search for chances in which you can inspire others,encourage those who are discouraged, praise those who are worthy and uplift those who are unhappy and crestfallen . 

Dynamic - Concentration 

A lightning bolt can shatter a giant oak tree because its rays are concentrated in a small area. 

Controlled thoughts are concentrated thoughts. Occult power stems from your Higher Self when you concentrate your thoughts to a definite focal point. 

To help you in concentrating on higher occult power take into your occult periods of reverie specific pictures of the things you wish to come to you through occult power . 

Cut/download the pictures of home/furniture/appliances/vehicle /travel destinations for the purpose of concentration .

Cosmic -Magnetism 

All occult powers works under the law of magnetic attraction.Cosmic magnetism flows throughout the invisible interstices of the universe.  Excess Prana offered to Higher Self can magnetize the wish  you want to fulfilled. The Prana is the substance with which the Higher Self works when we want it to accomplish some objective for us. 

State the specific things you wish to magnetize ,and invoke them in the circle of Higher Self . Occult and magnetic power will automatically flow to Higher Self when you use the technique of Huna for magnetizing your thoughts .

Propulsive - Imagination 

Propulsive imagery consists in holding the imagination /dream in  Higher Consciousness and dynamically propelling that image/dream into the outer world of reality. Propulsive imagery helps you crystallize your dream into outer, objective form. 

Translate all the things you want to create  first into their occult prototypes. Occult prototypes is the mental image of the things you are trying to  create. This mental image or occult prototype  will be a seed of future oak tree. 

Hold the thought- images in your Higher Self and then with a propulsive act of will project the idea to the outer , objective world. Whatever the desire is , mentally draw it on the black board of Higher self . The mental -images must be absolutely clear and in vivid detail .  there must be not the slightest doubt or hesitation in your mind for mental-images . After you have asked Higher Self to fulfill your various though-images or goals sit back confidently and expectantly, awaiting your good , having supreme faith that the Higher Self knows your needs and is rushing to fill those needs.

Activated - Desire 

One of the most powerful emotions for stirring up vortices of occult creative power is that of activated desire.  Luke warm ides are not activated desire . The desire/wish  charged with the strong emotions are the activated desire. The secret in getting complete and permanent cooperation from your Higher Self  is to know exactly what you want at all times. 

You should have a definite ready-made pictures of your goal having already been attained. Activated desires are ardently desire of your life. 

Psychic - Illumination 

The mystical power of The Higher Self operates on a wavelength of psychic illumination,when you learn how to release your mind from the fetters of conscious limitations. As you open the psychic centers of Higher Self by daily practice, you can ask the Higher Self for definite instructions.

Huna technique opens the psychic and clairvoyant centers of your mind and give you guidance and instruction for your everyday life.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Inner Disharmony Leads to Outer Disharmony !!!

If you have always felt neglected by others ,or that life never seems to run smoothly for you,then the chances are that, in Huna Mystic ,the Path ---or --the Aka chord ---to your higher Self has been ,and probably still is blocked .  Blocked by inferiority ,guilt and other complexes buried deep within the recesses of the Lowe Self ...your subconscious mind. Many people are not even aware ,or do not wish to be aware ,that such negative emotions can exist within them.Many people,deep down actually prefer to be lonely,neglected and mistreated.In childhood they were deprived of love and security and so they fed instead on negative,hostile emotions which their subconscious or Lower Self  mind accepted uncritically.The Lower Self will accept any emotion fed into it . Lower Self is totally uncritical and has no  powers of reasoning and deduction.

Years of such negative conditions of Lower Self to reject love and happiness ,because it only understand hatred,insecurity ,loneliness and rejections. this is the one reason why one may feel one's self feeling uncomfortable when things are going well. the discomfort emanates from your irrational ,emotive Lower Self which will not accept the voice of reason of the Middle Self.

The Middle Self represents reason and Lower Self emotion.When reason and emotion are in conflict nine times out of ten emotions wins.And predictably ,because of the discomfort felt at receiving happiness ,the happiness goes away to leave one lonely and miserable again. The inner blockage has repelled the happiness.where there is inner conflict and lack of harmony between the three selves all chances of   happiness and fulfillment are nullified. Where there is no happiness within there can be no happiness, or chance of getting it, from outside. 

So in order to usher happiness and fulfillment into your life, and all the things that make living worthwhile,you have got to achieve harmony within your self. there is no use in offering Prana to your Higher Self when the path to it is blocked by so much negativity .You will get nothing back from your Higher Self no matter how hard you try. 

Dhyanyogi Madhusudan Dasji - The Great Master of Kundalini Yoga

Dhyanyogi Madhusudan Dasji born in Bihar [1878-1994] was an exceptional master of mystical science.

Dhyanyogi Madhusudan Dasji was a Kundalini yogi and had initiated only those who were spiritually ripe and receptive to yogic marg. The method of this yoga is awakening of Kundalini by Shakti - Paat, whereby transmitting his yogic powers to the disciple. The yoga is known as Kundalini Yoga or Laya Yoga.

The saint community in India equated his status to that of Shri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. He was an adept who could transfer his own energy and awaken the Kundalini Shakti of another person by touch, mantra or even intent from distance.

Ascension !!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Illness is the Result of Out of Harmony with the Higher Self

Any conflict within man's psyche will manifest its self in man's physical appearance in due time. Or in layman language we can say that a disturbance in the mind will soon manifest its self in the body in the form of illness.

The Lower self will accept uncritically  any thought or idea that is given to it by Middle Self  . If The Middle Self feeds its lower counterpart with negative impressions over and over again , as happens over many years of bad programming with most of people, then disorder and disunity in the body will be the eventual result .
The Lower Self  controls all the functions of the body and if it is continually fed on negative emotions of anger,envy, malice, fear, grief, apathy, jealousy selfishness  ,then due time the negative emotions will get crystallized in the body .Resulting in implement of blood circulation, erratic heart beat, slow down of digestive process etc

 The negative Thoughts blocks the ...Aka chord the Higher self . You just cannot make contact , and have harmony with your Higher self,whilst your heart is eaten up with negativity of every kind. 

Although your Lower self may be causing the ill health in your system do not become like the inefficient firm who blames its computer for the trouble. It is you who are the culprit.You are only getting back what you have fed into your system for so long. You are simply paying the price for lousy, careless,programming . the fact that you may not have been aware that you were harming you self in this way does not exonerate you from blame. Don't look for excuses ,face up to yourself and your inadequacies . 

The Kahuna method of healing will not do you much good for it depends for its success on your Path to Higher Self being free to carry the uninterrupted flow of Pranic -Energy . 

So get your mental attitude right and your path unblocked then the sky is the  limit with Pranic Energy . 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Aka -Chord In Huna mystic

A word about how the Lower Self sends the transformed highly charged Prana to Higher Self . The Lower and Higher Self  are connected by means of an invisible optical fiber like chord which the Kahunas called ...Aka... This chord extends from the solar plexus,where the Lower self is situated to the right to the body and up out of the head to the Higher Self .Another Aka chord connects the Middle Self to the Lower Self. 

There is no chord connection between the Middle Self and the Higher Self and this is the reason why these two  bodies  cannot,communicate directly. 

While it is said that communication is sent either up or down,it is really meant that messages are sent telepathically using the energy conduit of the chords to focus the message and to direct it to where it is being sent. 

 The secret of getting successful results  in Huna ritual lies in the uninterrupted flow of Pranic -Energy pathway between the Lower Self and the Higher Self and uninterrupted flow of our desire /wish between the Middle Self and  the Lower Self .  

The communication Chanel the Aka chords must be open at all the times for for the vital Prana to flow when required.

Blocks and complexes arises from the faulty interaction between the Middle and Lowe self. The Aka chord between Lower And Middle Self is generally blocked due to faulty believe system, negative emotions,traumatic memories and painful experiences. 

Guilt,stress and anxiety are the  major blocks between our Lower and Higher selves. 

So, if  you have constantly failed to gain success by  Huna ritual means that you paths --the Aka chords --are  quite definitely blocked by the  negative emotions  and internal  conflicts  .

The Higher Self has the power to change the fabric of time and space. It is outside the laws of the material world and hence can give us everything and anything we ask for only if our's  ...Aka  chords... are fully open and fully functional. 

Evidence of Higher -Self Contact

To know that there is a greater ,more perfect and very powerful part of ourselves to whom we can turn to and trust is indeed a great source of comfort and inspiration.No more does one have to struggle with trying to reach a remote great God in the heavens in whom we can never be really sure is ...there ...or would be bothered to stop running the entire universe in order to come and listen to our petty problem . 

The Higher Self is so close to us ,actually longs to help us through our difficulties. And it has the power to solve them in a very definite manner if only we would seek its help .

The Higher Self will never intervene in one's affair unless its help is specifically asked for . Even though it will weep for you in your troubles, as it is with you in everything,it will not step into help . 

Communication with the Higher Self is the milestone of Huna mystic. Successful contact with Higher self is the secret of Huna success in occult -science . 

Evidence of Higher of Self Contact

after completing Huna meditation , you will feel a nice sense of energy and euphoria.This will be evidence that contact with the Higher Self was successful and your goal will be fulfilled. You might also experience a slight tingling sensation.Some get this in the head and hands while others feel it at base of the spine or in the genitals. Still others not get any tingling sensation at all .Whether you get it or not is of no importance although it is important that you feel the euphoric lift. If you feel no sense of upliftment then contact was not made.Re-read the instructions and make sure you understand every step clearly,the perform the ritual again .

Please also go through these links ......


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

प्रेम चरम नियम है

एक चीज़ होती है प्रेम और दूसरी चीज़ होती है आसक्ति या मोह । आज जिसे लोग प्रेम कहते  हैं , वह किसी दूसरे के साथ खुद को बाँधने का,खुद की पहचान बनाने का एक तरीका है , एक आर्ट है , एक तकनीक है । आसक्ति प्रेम नहीं है । आसक्ति का प्रेम से कोई लेना देना भी नही है । 

आसक्ति काफी सुविधाजनक है जैसे सजावटी प्लास्टिक के फूल । आपके अहंकार को यह पुष्टि देता है , मैं कितना  महान  हूँ मैंने इसे चाहा  ! अगर आप किसी के प्रति आसक्त होंगें  तो उसके व्यवहार, स्वभाव और  प्रतिक्रिया से आपके मन में बैचनी, डर , आशंका और पागलपन धीरे धीरे घर करने लगेंगें । आसक्ति आपको  भावनाओं के एक ऐसे हाई वे पर ले जाती है  जिसका आखिरी पड़ाव पागलपन ही होता है ।  आपकी आसक्ति जिसके प्रति है आप उसके साथ एक होना चाहेंगें। ...... वह उपस्थित है तो आप प्रसन्न होते हैं और अगर अनुपस्थित है तो आप दुखी होते हैं । यह विशुद्ध गणित है निज़ी लाभ -नुकसान का ,प्रेम नहीं  । 

 प्रेम में आपको भौतिकता की सीमा को तोडना होगा , प्रेम  निजी फायदे किए लिए नहीं है,सच्चा प्रेम खुद को मिटाने का एक तरीका है  । हम खुद के मैं को मिटाने से  डरते हैं इसलिए आसक्ति की तरफ सहज आकर्षित हो जाते हैं । इससे अपना  अहम भी बना रहता है ,  और झूठी तसल्ली भी बनी रहती है कि  हम प्रेम करने के महारथी हैं ।

जब आप प्रेम में होते हैं वह भी सच्चे तो आपके भौतिक शरीर की सीमाएं टूट  जाती हैं । प्रेम आपके शरीर को स्पंदनों से भर  देता है  और हो सकता है आपकी आँखों में आँसू भर जाएँ या आपका गला रुंध जाए । प्रेम एक मनोदशा है,  एक मनोवृति है, जो मिटने की कला जानते हैं वही  सच्चा प्रेम कर सकते हैं । 

कभी कभी लगता है मैंने उसे इतना चाहा ,  बदले में मुझे कम मिला या कुछ भी नहीं मिला या मेरे  धोखा हुआ , तो निश्चिन्त रहिये आप आसक्ति की गिरफ्त में हैं प्रेम की नहीं । जो बांटने और देने से घट जाता है वह वासना है,आसक्ति है  । उसे भूलकर भी प्रेम नहीं समझना ।आसक्ति , काम और वासना को नापा जा सकता है केवल प्रेम ही एक ऐसी immeasurable unit है जिसको नापा नहीं जा सकता है , यह अमाप है । 

प्रेम प्रार्थना है । एक सच्चा प्रेमी वही है जो प्रताड़ना, ईर्ष्या , दोषारोपण, माल्कियत की भावना से मुक्त होता है ।  मैंने  तुझे प्रेम किया इतना ही काफी है । बदले में कुछ भी प्रतिकार चाहने वाला कुछ और कर सकता है लेकिन सच्चा प्रेम नहीं कर सकता है । 

अधितर प्रेम का अर्थ लोग एक प्रकार के एकाधिकार या माल्कियत से लेते हैं । जिस क्षण आप  प्रेम के नाम पर किसी भी जीवित चीज़ पर अपना अधिकार जमाते हैं , आप  उसे मार डालते हैं । तब आप  चिंतित होंगें  , आपको  लगेगा की आपने  तो प्रेम किया लेकिन सामने वाले ने आपको   धोखा दिया । याद रखिये  यदि आपको  सच्चा प्रेम होगा तो आप  कभी भी असुरक्षित, भयभीत और ईर्ष्यालु नहीं महसूस करेंगें  । 

जो व्यक्ति प्रेम को समझ लेता है वह परमात्मा को समझने की फ़िक्र छोड़ देता है । प्रेम और परमात्मा एक ही डायमेंशन की चीजें हैं । प्रेम चरम नियम है ।

Hypocrisy of Friends ?

Do you kid yourself that you are surrounded by so called friends who are supposed to be ...for you, for nothing could be further from the truth .One should not fear one's enemies ....for they are not the real enemies.The real enemies are much closer lurking behind  the guise of friendship .If you could read whats in people's minds especially in the minds of your so called friends, you would be absolutely horrified. 

This is not to mean that one should be phobic about what people think about you. If you were to ask your friends about what they really feel about you ,you would never get a truthful answer. You have to discern for yourself. To develop a phobia about anything is to set a mental trap for yourself. Keep your mind free. Let no one turn you into a suspicious introvert.

Do not let the gifts and good deeds of friends delude you into thinking that they are your friends. Few people ever giving anything for nothing. Sometimes people even give gifts and perform good deeds in order to morally compensate for the bad thoughts that they have toward those concerned . They may feel guilty about the way that they feel toward you so they try to appease their conscience by performing an act of kindness. And you think kind so-and-so is ....What a true friend. If you only knew ,of course genuine acts of kindness ulterior motives are common . But genuine kindness is very tiny compared to the amount of phony kindness that is around. 

Remember that in the final analysis ......only your Higher Self can be your true friend.Real,fleshy friends are exceedingly rare.If you can count two or three real friends during all lifetime than you are fortunate indeed. Any-body who thinks that he has loads of friends is just living in cloud cuckoo land.  Only your Higher self , if you have learnt to be fully attuned to it , can help you on this score. 

Time Scale for Goal-Fulfillment In Huna Ritual

How long , you may ask ,will it take for the Higher Self to make your dream come true ? The answer  to this questions depends on a number of factors .Fulfillment,or materialization, can come within days, as has been known,or it may take several weeks.Fulfillment has been known to happen even within hours, although it must  be pointed out that cases are rare . 

The strength of Prana offered,vividness of visualization, intensity of belief ,blockages in Aka Chord and  lack of intense desire ........all these things influence the speed and manner of the fulfillment. And , of course ,much depends on the nature of objective sought . If you are someone of extremely modest means and you want 10 Lack Rupees  it is obviously going to take your Higher Self some time to come up with materialization.

 Your Higher Self will not materialize your desire out of thin air.It will simply influence people and events, by means of its universal contact with all other Higher Selves,to open a way for you to achieve your objective. And you should be ready and alert for this opening or opportunity ,when it arrives. You will feel instinctively guided into taking the right course of action that will lead you, one way or another,to the fulfillment of your desire.

 Under no circumstances should you fret and wonder about How your Higher Self is going to solve your problem.It knows far more than you do . No matter how difficult the problem your Higher Self will lead you out of it. Learn to develop Faith and Trust in your Great Partner.  

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