Monday, January 9, 2017

Purifying Violet Light Visualization

This is an effective exercise in which your mind power and breath energize and cleanse your body of toxins, muscular tension and negative beliefs about your ability to heal. This powerful technique is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system that eases the body into a state of calmness and relaxation.

Violet is the higher end of the visible spectrum. Violet has the shortest wavelength 380-450 nanometres and highest frequency 800-715 Hz of visible colors. 

Violet colour as a therapeutic tool helps in releasing the diseases by directly releasing the stuck negative and blocked patterns stored in our body, mind, and psyche. 

Violet is a very high-frequency spiritual ray which can heal anyone physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Violet is the colour of Crown chakra . Violet colour has the unique spiritual energy of thousands of volts of spiritual electricity that can help us in all areas of our life. Violet is the seventh ray of vibration of spiritual light. It is governed by Ascendant masters of the seventh ray, who willingly send and guide the Violet light  to all whom who asks. Violet light  blazes like an all powerful consuming fire, burning and destroying any type of blockage, waste product, and negativity.

  1. Lie on your back, legs extended, feet about hip-width apart, and arms slightly away from your sides or put your hands comfortably over solar plexus. 
  2. Become aware of the space between the crown of your head and soles of your feet’s. See that space as empty glass container waiting to be filled and cleaned with the purifying energy of your breath.
  3. Focus your attention on your breath. 
  4. Place the tip of your tongue on the palate.
  5. Now close your mouth and inhale slowly and deeply by visualizing pure sparkling violet light entering from your both nostrils filling the empty container of your body.
  6. This is a disease, stress and anxiety destroying light of incredible highly charged spiritual energy.  The purifying violet light is going to every corner of your body, burning all impurities tension, anxiety and fatigue and  negativity.
  7. Hold the breaths for few seconds. 
  8. Exhale slowly and evenly from your mouth by making whooping sound by visualizing smoky blackish gray smoke- particles …..Emerging from the mouth …………all diseases, pain and negativity from the body are leaving the body in the form of blackish gray smoke. 
  9. Repeat the inhalation and exhalation cycle for 10 times.
  10. Feel relaxed and refresh.
Note :
  1. You always inhale quietly through your nose and exhale audibly through your mouth making a whoosh sound.
  2. The tip of your tongue stays in same position the whole time.
  3. Repeat the technique daily until your feel cleansed, peaceful, refreshed and healed.
  4. This breathing technique is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system ,which promotes better sleep. 

Geeta Jha 

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