Acupressure is the Science of Nature which teaches us to cure diseases through the in- built mechanism of the body .Acupressure is an art of treating diseases by applying pressure on specific points with the help of one's thumb or by unpointed equipment .
Our body consists of 5 basic elements earth,water,fire,air, and space . These 5 elements are controlled by the bio- electricity of body also known as Chi ,Qi, Parana .
Our body consists of 5 basic elements earth,water,fire,air, and space . These 5 elements are controlled by the bio- electricity of body also known as Chi ,Qi, Parana .
The bio -electricity passes in the body through Channels known as meridians . These meridians start from the tip of the each finger of right hand , go all over the body and end on the toes of the right foot so also on the left side . Now as long as bio-electricity flows properly in the body, the body remains healthy . If for any reason the bio-electricity does not reach any part of the body , there is a malfunction of that part accompanied by pain in some points of hand and soles. The switchboard of electric current flowing in our body is located in palms and soles. There are nearly 40 such points on the sole of the foot, and palm, connected to the internal organs and glands . When pressing the point, if you feel a pain, then you have an ailment in the organ connected to this point.

Most of the organs and endocrine glands are on the right or left side of the body and so their corresponding points are on the right or the left palms and soles.
When an organ is damaged carbon dioxide /toxins gather around that organ and when pressed on the corresponding point of the organ either in palm or sole you will feel a sharp hurting pain . The sharp and unbearable pain felt at any point on the palm or soles when pressed is the clear indication of some problem connected with that organ.
When an organ is damaged carbon dioxide /toxins gather around that organ and when pressed on the corresponding point of the organ either in palm or sole you will feel a sharp hurting pain . The sharp and unbearable pain felt at any point on the palm or soles when pressed is the clear indication of some problem connected with that organ.
Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands :
The Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands are located just under the skin on the front of the neck. These glands play a very important role in controlling the body’s metabolism and how the body functions. It does this by producing hormones that tell the body how fast to work and how to use energy . Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands are also known as Vishudhi chakra or the throat chakra . The thyroid hormones regulate our body's metabolism and influence virtually every organ system in the body. They tell organs how fast or slow they should work.Thyroid hormones play a major part in creating the correct metabolic rate. If it is not functioning properly everything slows down leading to these classic symptoms:
A thyroid imbalance can cause weight problems, chronic fatigue, feelings of being overwhelmed, anxiety, emotional imbalances, hair loss, skin problems, depression or any combination of these symptoms. The thyroid gland works on a physiological level to balance the rate of your metabolism. Thyroid acupressure points enable healing energy (known as Qi or Chi or Prana ) to move through the thyroid restoring their homeostatic (balancing) mechanism .
Diagnosis :
First clue :
First hold the hands of the patient in your palms , if the patient is younger than you , his palm should be warmer than yours, however if the palms are cooler you will know that the energy flow in the patient's hand is less , similarly if the patient is older than you the palm should be cooler, but if the palm is warmer , it indicates there is excess heat in the body or he is having a fever. So the palm's temperature indicates the degree of the vitality present in the patient.
Second Clue :
Watch the eyes of the patient , a healthy person's eyes are shining, and clear whereas dull , pale , and swelled eyes indicate the problems in the body.
Third clue :
Pigmentation, skin eruptions, unusual facial hair growth indicate internal illness.
Fourth clue :
Bad Nails may be a sign of disease in the body. If the nails of the patient are brittle and are of abnormal color ( pale, white, yellow, or bluish) he may have an internal health problem .
Fifth clue :
The Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands are located just under the skin on the front of the neck. These glands play a very important role in controlling the body’s metabolism and how the body functions. It does this by producing hormones that tell the body how fast to work and how to use energy . Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands are also known as Vishudhi chakra or the throat chakra . The thyroid hormones regulate our body's metabolism and influence virtually every organ system in the body. They tell organs how fast or slow they should work.Thyroid hormones play a major part in creating the correct metabolic rate. If it is not functioning properly everything slows down leading to these classic symptoms:
Diagnosis :
First clue :
First hold the hands of the patient in your palms , if the patient is younger than you , his palm should be warmer than yours, however if the palms are cooler you will know that the energy flow in the patient's hand is less , similarly if the patient is older than you the palm should be cooler, but if the palm is warmer , it indicates there is excess heat in the body or he is having a fever. So the palm's temperature indicates the degree of the vitality present in the patient.
Second Clue :
Watch the eyes of the patient , a healthy person's eyes are shining, and clear whereas dull , pale , and swelled eyes indicate the problems in the body.
Third clue :
Pigmentation, skin eruptions, unusual facial hair growth indicate internal illness.
Fourth clue :
Bad Nails may be a sign of disease in the body. If the nails of the patient are brittle and are of abnormal color (
Fifth clue :
Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands (point no-8 ) :
Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands are the barometer of the body's health .If there is a sharp hurting pain on the point no-8 then it is evident that there is a complaint in the body that is persisting for 8/10 days . A Sharp pain on point no-8 indicates that there is something wrong somewhere in the body . If there is no pain on the point no-8 or a very little pain on the point no-8 then either there is no problem in the body or the problem may be of a minor type . Any disease in the body first upsets the Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands and the point no -8 of such people is very tender and hurting .Hurting Pain on point no-8 is the surest sign of indication that an illness is persisting in the body for more than 8/10 days .
When point no-8 is pressed slightly and there is severe pain , it denotes major and serious health problem and when a very hard pressure is applied on point no-8 and there is no pain or flicker in the eyes of the patient it denotes that there is no health problem.
To Be Continued ......
Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands are the barometer of the body's health .If there is a sharp hurting pain on the point no-8 then it is evident that there is a complaint in the body that is persisting for 8/10 days . A Sharp pain on point no-8 indicates that there is something wrong somewhere in the body . If there is no pain on the point no-8 or a very little pain on the point no-8 then either there is no problem in the body or the problem may be of a minor type . Any disease in the body first upsets the Thyroid-Parathyroid Glands and the point no -8 of such people is very tender and hurting .Hurting Pain on point no-8 is the surest sign of indication that an illness is persisting in the body for more than 8/10 days .
When point no-8 is pressed slightly and there is severe pain , it denotes major and serious health problem and when a very hard pressure is applied on point no-8 and there is no pain or flicker in the eyes of the patient it denotes that there is no health problem.
To Be Continued ......
What is the solution has above the problem