Acupressure : Free Medical Check Up and Diagnosis -1
Acupressure : Free Medical Check Up and Diagnosis - 2
Acupressure : Free Medical Check Up and Diagnosis - 3
Acupressure : Free Medical Check Up and Diagnosis - 4
Acupressure : Free Medical Check Up and Diagnosis - 5
In previous blogs, we have seen that the important Pressure Points for diagnosis are No.8 Thyroid and Parathyroid gland No.29 Solar Plexus, No.3 Pituitary Gland, No.4 Pineal Gland, No.28 Adrenals and No.38 thymus along with these points for children. Now after pressing all these points we have to check the Pancreas the point No.25 . For exact diagnosis it is very important to find the precise pain point in the pressure points that hurt.
Pancreas :
The pancreas is a glandular organ in the digestive system and endocrine system of vertebrates. In humans, it is located in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach. It is an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and the pancreatic polypeptide which circulate in the blood. The pancreas is also a digestive organ, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that assist digestion and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. These enzymes help to further break down the carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in the chyme.
The pancreas is involved in sugar control and metabolism within the body, and also in the secretion of substances which help digestion. Classically, these are divided into an "endocrine" role, relating to the secretion of insulin and other substances within pancreatic islets and helping control blood sugar levels and metabolism within the body, and an "exocrine" role, relating to the secretion of enzymes involved in digesting substances from outside of the body.
Pancreas ( point No.25) and acupressure :
If the point no.25 of pancreas is tender and hurting it indicates Pancreatitis,
Diabetes mellitus,Hyperglycaemia,Hypoglycaemia,Migraine,Indigestion,Head reeling,Tension,High blood pressure,Low blood pressure,Tremor,Convulsion,Bad habits,Fats around abdomen,Eczema.
Underworking of Pancreas leads to diabetes and overworking of pancreas leads to low B.P. , dizziness and even to alcoholism through hypoglycemia or the shortage of sugar in the body.
How to confirm Diabetes :
to be continued .......
Acupressure : Free Medical Check Up and Diagnosis - 2
Acupressure : Free Medical Check Up and Diagnosis - 3
Acupressure : Free Medical Check Up and Diagnosis - 4
Acupressure : Free Medical Check Up and Diagnosis - 5
In previous blogs, we have seen that the important Pressure Points for diagnosis are No.8 Thyroid and Parathyroid gland No.29 Solar Plexus, No.3 Pituitary Gland, No.4 Pineal Gland, No.28 Adrenals and No.38 thymus along with these points for children. Now after pressing all these points we have to check the Pancreas the point No.25 . For exact diagnosis it is very important to find the precise pain point in the pressure points that hurt.
Pancreas :
The pancreas is a glandular organ in the digestive system and endocrine system of vertebrates. In humans, it is located in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach. It is an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and the pancreatic polypeptide which circulate in the blood. The pancreas is also a digestive organ, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that assist digestion and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. These enzymes help to further break down the carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in the chyme.
The pancreas is involved in sugar control and metabolism within the body, and also in the secretion of substances which help digestion. Classically, these are divided into an "endocrine" role, relating to the secretion of insulin and other substances within pancreatic islets and helping control blood sugar levels and metabolism within the body, and an "exocrine" role, relating to the secretion of enzymes involved in digesting substances from outside of the body.
Pancreas ( point No.25) and acupressure :
This Point No. 25 on the palm of the hand is located little above the spot which is marked in-between the tips of little and ring finger when one makes a gentle fist, or thus it is between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones. In the soles , this point is located in-between the head of 4th and 5th metatarsals (the bone that lies on the hind of the foot between the bones of toes and heel).
If the point no.25 of pancreas is tender and hurting it indicates Pancreatitis,
Diabetes mellitus,Hyperglycaemia,Hypoglycaemia,Migraine,Indigestion,Head reeling,Tension,High blood pressure,Low blood pressure,Tremor,Convulsion,Bad habits,Fats around abdomen,Eczema.
Underworking of Pancreas leads to diabetes and overworking of pancreas leads to low B.P. , dizziness and even to alcoholism through hypoglycemia or the shortage of sugar in the body.
How to confirm Diabetes :
- Press on point No.16 of lymph , if it is not hurting even when pressed very hard , then the sugar level in the blood is normal below 100/120 .
- If point no-25 of pancreas and point No.16 of Lymph , both are hurting then diabetes is confirmed .
- If point No.25 of Pancreas and point No.28 of Adrenal gland both are tender and hurting , then underworking of Pancreas is predicted .
- If point no-25 of the pancreas , point No.16 of Lymph and Point no-28 of Adrenal , all three are hurting it indicates very underworking pancreas or the advanced level of diabetes .
- If only point No.25 is hurting , and there is no pain on point No.16 of lymph it indicates overworking of Pancreas leading to Low B.P. , migraine,desire to eat -drink sweets ,alcoholism etc .
- Moderate pain on point No.25 of pancreas and No.16 of lymph indicates borderline high sugar level or the level between 120-150.
- Very hurting pain on point No.25 of pancreas and No.16 of lymph indicate very high sugar level in the body which could be more than 300.

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