Monday, August 1, 2016

Acupressure : How to Diagnose Blood Pressure Problems

Blood pressure is that force the blood exerts on the walls of its vessels as it moves. Normally, a person cannot notice or feel blood pressure. It can only be measured by medical equipment. When the blood pressure is too high, it may increase the risk of stroke, kidney damage, heart failure, eye problems, or stroke.

High blood pressure is a condition in which a person has a blood pressure reading that is consistently 140/90 or higher for a long period of time, usually weeks. High blood pressure can also be diagnosed in a person if one of the numbers shows a higher reading than it should.The symptoms of High blood pressure are :
  1. Headaches
  2. Vision problems
  3. Nose bleeds
  4. Trouble breathing
  5. Fits
  6. Black-outs
Low blood pressure is when a person is diagnosed with blood pressure which is lower than normal, usually 90/60 or less. In most cases, low blood pressure is nothing to worry about since it means that you have a low risk of stroke or heart disease.The symptoms of Low blood pressure are : 

  1. Feeling dizzy, light-headed or fainting
  2. Blurred vision
  3. A rapid or irregular heartbeat
  4. Feeling nauseous
  5. Confusion
Acupressure : How to Diagnose Blood Pressure Problems 

Pain on following points represents blood pressure problems 

4---the pineal gland is the organiser and controller of  all glands, regulate the potassium/sodium balance in body malfunctioning of Pineal gland is responsible for retention of fluids in body causing high blood pressure 

36--- problem related to heart 
28 --- The adrenal gland controls the fire element in the body , it also intensifies the flow of blood,helps proper oxygenation .Overworking adrenal creates high B.P. and underworking adrenal creates Low B.P. 
25 --- the Pancreas controls digestion of sugar in the body and digestive juices, underworking pancreas leads to diabetes and overworking  pancreas leads to low B.P. 
22-23 --- gall bladder and liver are responsible for 

Severe pain on following points indicates  high blood pressure

4--- fluid  retention causes high blood pressure 
4+28 --- indicates high blood pressure 
36+8 --- indicated high blood pressure due to blocked arteries 
36+22+23 +8 .... high B.P. due to high cholesterol deposits 

Severe pain on following points indicates low blood pressure 

25 --- overworking pancreas creates low blood pressure 

25+28----low blood pressure due to less oxygenation
22+23+28--- indicates less fire in body , the slow metabolism causing low blood pressure  
36+28---indicates less circulation of blood  and less oxygenation causing low B.P. 


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