Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Acupressure : How to Diagnose Stress/ Tension/ Anxiety/ Depression

All of us experience anxiety, stress , tension and depression at some or other stage in our lives. If we do not cope with it immediately and deliberately it might overwhelm us and immobilise us for the tasks that we have to perform. It forms the cornerstone of all forms of dis-ease. Depression, stress, and anxiety are the most common problems that lead people to go to a psychologist.

Our brains naturally try to create meaning or patterns from our experience. Ambiguity and uncertainty arise from the brain/mind’s desire to understand and it is the tolerance or lack of tolerance for these uncertainties that can partly explain anxiety or depressive reaction.  In the state of anxiety, stress , tension and depression individuals experience excessive uneasiness and that they worry as a result of perceived (excessive or dangerous) demands that are made on them on an interpersonal level. The anxiety, worry or tenseness could result in the impairment of social, occupational, physical and other important areas of functioning. One could also say that individuals experience an excessive sensitivity for other's opinions, attitudes, and demands.

Acupressure : How to Diagnose stress/ tension/ anxiety/ depression

Pain on following points indicates the state of  stress/ tension/ anxiety/ depression
  1. The hurting  pain on the base of middle toe of right and left legs while pressing indicates nervous tension, anxiety depression etc.
  2. If the hurting pain on the base of middle toe of both legs  is severe and unbearable , it means that the person is on the verge of collapse due to a nervous breakdown. 
  3. Ask the patient to sit on a flat bench or table ,with straight stretched legs  , hold the five toes of his left leg with your left hand and five toes of his right leg in your right hand , try to bend them backward towards you , if there are stiffness and  pain then it is obvious that the  person is suffering from anxiety, depression, stress etc.  Bend both legs toes backward as much as the possible hold for 20 seconds and then release them , Repeat this tree times a day till all anxiety, depression ,stress is removed.

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