Thursday, January 21, 2016

How Anita Overcome Her Chronicle Fatigue

Anita ,a house wife was always complaining  of her daily burdens.  She was  constantly fatigued. She cooked and cleaned for her husband and hear two children and at the end of the day she collapsed in exhaustion,too tired to even look at television or talking to her husband or helping her children in their studies. Her husband was beginning to tire of her constant complaints and her irritability and seemed less interested in her emotionally because she was chronically tired and could not share in simple little pleasure with him .

Anita consulted a Huna Technique Expert and shared her problem with him. From the expert she learned the Mystical technique to connect with her Higher Self. She performed the Huna Ritual twice a day , for three consecutive weeks .In her meditation she projected that she has become a channel for cosmic energy ,and  with the grace of the dynamic power of cosmic energy she can do her day's tasks joyously . She projected in meditation that cosmic energy is flowing through her mind and body cells, giving her youth,energy and superabundance of vitality. 

Soon Anita became a dynamo of action and delighted her husband and children with her flow of creative energy and loving service. 
through Huna technique the Higher self release mysterious brain waves that profoundly affect the body chemistry and keep it healthy. Higher self can regulate and control the autonomic mechanisms of the body which regulates heart beat, blood pressure,digestion and glandular secretions.

To raise the body's energy level and overcome fatigue and aging, go into the regular habit of Huna Meditation and mentally elevate yourself to the high levels of creativity by visualizing you as a fountain of eternal youth and doing all things you desire , such as cooking, reading, swimming, dancing, playing, painting. 

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